I need help!! FAST

so theres this boy I hung out with a lot last summer and he really really liked me he would do anything for me and I really really liked him. untill one day this thing happend where our friend made up a lie and told my crush that I made out with this one kid, which I never ever did. then my crush got really angry. and he was about to ask me out untill he found out about it. I was sooo mad. I cant believe that he would actually believe that kid. I would never do somthng like that with another guy I dont even like, I actually hated him. I liked my crush and I wanted him. and I just wish that he would’ve trusted me on that. now what my crush does is tell some people that we are both friends with that I am a two-timing hore acting like he hates me but the last time we hung out which was a couple weeks ago he was sooo sweet. he would joke around with me and we would talk to eachother and laugh, just like how it was in the summer. I just dont know what to do I mean what I think is that he does like me still and he doesnt want people to find out about it so he tells people those things to cover himself up. I think he might still like me. it seems like he gets jealous when im hangin with another guy or talking to another guy. but I dont know. we have science together and he occasionally looks back at me. and today he actually said somthing to me. before I was talking to one of his closest friends and he said that he talked about me a lot, like saying what should I do man? and hs friend would be like make a move and my crush would be like how and then he’d be like you’ll know what it hits ya. I dont know what I should do I just want it to be back to the way it was before when we used to hang out and we really liked eachother. it was the greatest time of my life and I want it back again, with him. what o you think I should do?

Answer #1

well if hes saying that sh*t bout you 2 sum people and den hes sweet 2 you I think dats bullshit hes being a 2 faced and I dont think you should b with someone like that and if he liked you like he says den he would believe you not da rumors but I think you should talk 2 him straight out and tell him what you think

Answer #2

Hang out with him. Thats what ya do girly…keep hanging out with him get to know him better…let him know that you are totally into him and no one else…tell him to his face…not in a note or anything…just tell him…

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