I need help conceiving

Me and my boy friend of 5 years has been trying to concieve since january 1, 2008.I recently missed my period for one month and now this month it came but it did’nt come at the time it’s suppose to.inbetween those months of trying to make a baby I’ve been really sick like throwing up a lil bit.having headaches.I have’nt been eating much.having lower back pains ,always tired,and constantly going to the bathroom and my mouth even stay dry all the time.my stomach even feels hard and big at times.could I be pregnant?and how long should I wait to test after my period?

Answer #1

take a test sounds to me your little one has arrived but I’ve been trying for awhile now and I have all those symthoms you have and im just not prego

hope I heped baby_doll_7

Answer #2

Dear honey18, Usually you wait for a week after a missed period…But in your case I would go see a doctor. Since you are trying to have a baby they will be able to help you calculate your fertile times and the proper methods to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Also if you are already pregnant a blood test may be more accurate in your case. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

ok. if your getting your period. your not pregnant

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