I need help!

I was in this bad habit since the 7th grade, when everytime something bad happens to me I tend to go and start beating myself up, hitting my upper-legs and knees, and if able I kick myself and I dig my nails into my arm. I know that this isnt good but latley, when either people at school tease me or I accedentally do something I get the urge to go and hurt myself, and sometimes I do but it is hard to hide such a bad habit. is it really that bad and if it is, how can I stop it???

Answer #1

I used to get that feeling when I was in high school but it didnt last too long. When you get the urge just stop and think and take a few breaths and go do something else. It is a bad habit because you are hurting yourself.

Answer #2

Self destructive behavior is a symptom of another problem. It might be something as easy to fix as a lack of Omega 3 fatty acids for your brain, or hormone imbalance, or vitamin or mineral deficiency. You could try some super “ Brain Vitamins” suppliments… The only reason you don’t discuss this with your parents and doctor is because you feel ashamed. That is wrong. You wouldn’t feel ashamed if you knew your body was say…way short on magnesium, or iron… You would know you would act weird if say your body had way too high an alcohol level right? So, get to your doctor, and find out, what your body is out of balance about. You might need a naturapath doctor, since some GPs don’t seem to want to bother figuring out dietary problems. Get some Noni juice at Walmart or Costco..and drink 2 ounces on an empty stomach in the morning…lots of good minerals there, and it gives your brain seratonin… ( runner’s high hormone )… and see if that helps.

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