I need a distraction..

I’m really bored and need a way to pass some time. What should I do?

Answer #1

go look up differnet stuff on you tube and jion myspace if you dont have one itll pass your time

Answer #2

Bored.com is the best go there!!! lol

Answer #3

go drink a gallon of coke and then jump up and down (:

Answer #4

You could always try bored.com That’s always fun :D

Answer #5

Go to google, “the world’s hardest game” good luck!!! :)

Answer #6

try to tie a stem w/o using your hands

Answer #7

lol, come with us, haha

Answer #8

lmao, sounds good take_my_heart, want to come over and drink it with me? haha, that wud be fun:) Breezy, I’d rather not do that at this time but thank you so much for your kind offer. lol, just kidding, sure, when can I come over?

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