How can I get an emo boyfriend?

okay I like the whole emo thing with the boys emo hair and stuff but I dont know anyone that is emo and I am scaryed of talking to people and I think I mite have social phoibiea or whatever but I want an emo boyfreind really bad lol I am desprate but I want some one who I can talk to and stuff. butn I dont know how to get one. I never had a boyfreind before and I am afaird I will never find some one and if I do I dont want to be like 33 when I find some one for the first time I only like emo or scene boys

Answer #1

why is EVERYONE under the delusion that emo guyz cut themselves and are sensitive and not strong??? jeez you people its just a fashion it doesnt mean they’re all uniformly sensitive. emo guyz ARE hot and you can probably get one on myspace or something. JUST KIDDING. but there SHOULD be plenty…not really…but look around. when you find one your interested in, dont be afraid to say hi! just keep telling urself this might be your once-in-a-lifetime chance so seize it!! ignore those people calling you shallow everyone is a stereotyper much as some people do not want 2 admit it.

ps. emo guyz are REALLY hot. 2 bad I never saw one be4 :((( I totally empathize w/u

Answer #2

you want a emo boyfriend and only a emo boyfriend then your really pathetic I know their hot and all but that’s just lame to choose only one type all those diferent people out their and you want a emo boyfriend who cries and cut himself just because he’s upset and depressed so yeah your pathetic

Answer #3


Answer #4

yeah, MOST Emo, type of guys are hot! i know why u are wanting a guy…but we should not want a emo guuy for his fashion…so any one will work for me as long as they love me back for who i am.

Answer #5

Xxxemoluvaxxx is completely right. Don’t listen to ANYONE else.

Answer #6

I agree with all of the above. im not talkative AT ALL. ^,,^; I usually just give a light nod or a quiet hello. and yes you shouldnt want somebody because you like their fashion. I really shouldnt be talking XD but hey I feel ya. I want an emo boyfriend too. but I also want someone who will love me for being me. not just because im emo too, or because I dress cute. and just stop looking and take your mind off it. he will come around when you least expect it ^,,^

Answer #7

I don’t see the point of wanting a person simply because of their current fashion sense. I guess that makes you kinda shallow…

Answer #8

Hmmm… You shouldn’t be so afraid to talk to people. I know it’s scary to stand up and speak to a stranger, but know this. It’s the same way for everyone. I’m probably the most shy person I know! But I know when I have to be responsible and stick up for myself, or ask for help. And as for the entire “emo” thing, today it is just a style. Most guys that dress like that aren’t really emotional, they just do it for looks. Plus, you want a guy who is strong. And that will protect you no matter what happens. Not someone who prefers to cry and cut themselves because of something that happened. Try this. Try opening yourself up to others. I know it’s hard, and it’ll be uncomfortable. But what’s the very worst that could happen? Sure, people can be mean. People can turn you down, or not accept you. But that happens to everyone. But do keep in mind that not all people are like that. A lot of strangers are very welcoming, and understanding. Everyone is on the same boat. As for the boyfriend, you will find him when you least expect it. You usually find the right guy, when you’re not looking for him. So slow down, practice opening up to others. Be yourself (never lie about who you are. You’re already amazing I bet!) Think positively… Tell yourself that you’re going to find him, or that he will find you. Imagine it every night, and he will come. I promise.

: ] Lady

Answer #9

Xxxemoluvaxxx is completely right. Don’t listen to ANYONE else.

Answer #10

Lady6289 is right.. most people want to be freindly towards strangers and folk alike.. AND you will find someone when you least expect it… and also don’t rush into anything / anyone your not comfortable with… Mr right will eventually come along! Teasing the guys is a great confidence booster, and they probably won’t know how to take it either (yet)!

Be cheeky, smile, and let yourself go a little (have fun!).. Get any mates to help you tease some of the guys you might like, but keep your eyes equally open to the ones that you might not notice as “hot”.. A guy will always end up being caught looking over at you if you watch carefully. That means (generally) that they’re interested in you!

The sporty type are not neccesarily the “strong” guys either! See if you can find out who has similar interests to you (boys) or ask what they did over the weekend. It’s a great way to start a conversation..

Good luck!


Answer #11

I dont get why everyone thinks jsut because you want an “emo” boyfriends makes you shallow. NOT ALL OF THEM CUT OR CRY. “Emo” or “scene” is just a fashion/a way of life. Its about being your self no matter what others think. So ignor them. I want an emo boyfriend to, but jsut because I said that doesnt mean Im ONLY open to “emo” guys. I say I want an emo boyfriend because of what they stand for. Being your self, not caring what others think. Loving music. Est. Im labled as “emo/scene” myself, I dont cut, or cry. est. I jsut want a guy like me. who I can connect with. Im assuming is the same for you.

So I suggest going to the mall with some friends, (theres always some at Hot Topic, Spencers, Journeys, est est est) “Emo’s” liek to jsut hang at them mall. and with friends you wont be able to back out fo it.

so you could “bump” into him, or just start talking to him, compliment him, est.

Im liek the shyest person I know, yeah. Take it from me, its like diving into a cold pool. Its a shock tot he system and you heart feels like its going to break you ribs but, before you knwo it, your totally calm, and”used to the water”.

SO jsut take a deep breath and dive in… it wont kill you ;)

~ Daydream Believer.

Answer #12

I got an emo boyfriend named Chad who I met on DeviantArt, and he’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Trust me, you’ll find an emo boy!

Answer #13

well you shouldnt like someone that is emo because of their hair .. there is soo much more tha that .. there is how they feel and what they do and their personality .. you might now know about all of that…its never about how thay look because you may think they are super super hott but you dont know the real them.. its not right to go out with someone that just looks hott and thats all you worry about.. you dot know how bad that would hurt.. I know it would hurt mee.

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