I moved in you and the holy dove ... what does it mean

This ia a song that has been covered by several artists, the one covered by Alexandra Burke being the most popullar at the moment but what does this part mean

well there was a time when you let me know what’s really going on below but now you never show that to me do you but remember when I moved in you and the holy dove was moving too and every breath we drew was hallelujah

Answer #1

The “dove” is a symbol of peace. To me is sounds as if she is saying that she used to feel at one with the person she is speaking of, but now that person doesn’t make her feel like that anymore. She’s almost reminicing.

Answer #2

This song is originally sung by a man, he’s talking about a lover and how they used to make love and pretty much everything was at peace and perfect but now there drifting apart…dunno that’s how I interpret it

Answer #3

The song was written by Leonard Cohen. “There was a time you let me know what’s really going on below, but now you never show that to me, do you?” I interpret that as the man in the song telling his lover that at one time she was interested in making love, but now she isn’t; she never shows that part of herself, literally and figuratively, to him anymore. “But remember when I moved in you, the holy dove was moving too, and every breath we drew was hallelujah.” He wants her to remember that when he moved inside her as they were making love, the Holy Dove was there too, (he may mean something sacrilegious here), and their lovemaking was such a great experience and comparable to worship. The next verse address his saying that the lover has called this verse about the holy dove moving sacrilegious to the Name of God, but he says he doesn’t even know the name, he doesn’t know God. Also, Hallelujah means “Praise the Lord.”

Answer #4

This was asked a long time ago, but I just now stumbled across it.

This song is filled with biblical references. The “holy dove” is a common reference to the Holy Spirit. I think this verse is actually God talking to him. He is saying that you use to pray to me (let me know what’s going on below) and I use to move in you and the holy dove (the Holy Spirit) was moving in you too.

Answer #5

I like very much this song, but I think it cotains an ambiguous backstage. There is a similarity between david and the main character. It’s seems they did something improper or not allowed to do. King David committed adultery for sure. He struggled and suffered a lot. Because of that, once he regained his faith in the Lord, he sang halleluja. In my opinion the main character had a sexuall affair(I use to move in you). The person loved by him, teached him to pray. Nonetheless this pray is usefull now that the main character seems to missed his love. Why? Someone died. The lover was a soldier. And when he died the the teller saw the lover’s flag on his gravestone ( marble arch)(it’s a cold…) it’s cold like marble and broken like a tomb. Dove is the peace icon. Probably we are talking about a gay relation between them during a war, and the holy dove is a warplane, an airplane that brings peace to the war zone, where they “moving into each other” during the flight.

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