I miss him! :(

Ok well my boyfriend and I have somewhat of a long distance relationship in which case we don’t always get the chance to see each other as much as we want. He’ll be turning 18 in September (then we’ll be able to spend time together whenever we want..) , but until then…what can I do to make myself miss him less? I’d say on average we probably see each other at least once a week and usually talk on the phone a lot. Also I have another question… How can I tell him I love him without embarassing myself. I’m almost positive he loves me too…but I’d like to at least let him know the way I feel. So if someone could help me it would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Answer #1

Hey there, Long distance is hard - I know. Being in medicine, I don’t get to see my man through the year very much. Here’s one way of looking at it. You miss him - a lot. But missing him this much is a good thing. It shows you how much you really need him in your life. It shows that your feelings are real. My advice on the love issue is - don’t say it just to hear it back. I told my boyfriend I loved him and it was 2 more months before he said it back to me. Do not say it over the phone, this is a big mistake. Just say it face to face, and don’t make it over dramatic like you see on soap opera’s, this isn’t a good way at all. Meg

Answer #2

brentblack you are a twat shut up !!!!!!!!!!!

Answer #3

Love is a lot of things….but one thing it definitly isnt is unsure

     ---Madea's Family Reunion

Tel lhim you love him. If he doesnt love you in return, so be it. And With missing him, just keep yourself busy

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