I'm turning 21 in less than a month...

what should I do on my 21st birthday? I killed the joy of turning 21 with all the previous driking in my younger years…like, wayy too much of it. and I haven;t got carded since I was 16, so…what the hell could I possibly do? I want to party, of course, but what would be a cool thing to do on my birhtday party with a bunch of friends, that’s not too expensive? I live in NYC, come on people…I;ve been breaking my head over this for three months. at first I thought we can go to the Kobe Club and get drunk, chill, have fun, catch up. I;ve never been there but according to Maxim magazine they have ovre 2,000 samuri swords hanging from the ceiling which is flipping awesome! then I thought paintball…but my favorite field is too far for everyone to go to, and too expensive. I just started a new job so I’m broke for now. heelp!

Answer #1

hEy I AGREE Wit SUZybOO ! going OUt fOR diNNER iS AlWAYS A NiCE OPtiON ; SiNCE YUh GEt tO SPENd tyME Wit thOSE you CARE fOR MOSt && YUh CAN RElAX && EVEN hAVE A dRiNk OR tWO =] I PERSONAlly lOVE ChiliS ; thE ENViRONMENt iS PREtty COMfORtAblE ; you CANt EVEN COMPlAiN AbOUt thE MEAl PRiCES ; thEY ARENt bAd ; fOOd tAStES GREAt AlSO .

ANOthER COOl idEA WOUld bE tO GO 2 thE PiER ; you kNOW ; bRiNG SUM WiNE && SUCh ; RElAX & ENjOy thE SCENERy ; CONtEMPlAtE ON PREViOUS YEARS ; hONEStly I thiNk tURNiN 21 ShOUld bE SOMEthiN MEANiNGfUl =) SO MAkE SURE tO hAVE thOSE YUh lOVE AROUNd U ; && EVERYthiN ShOUld GO fyNE .

hOPE you hAVE fUN ; WAtEVER you dECidE tO dO . tAkE CARE . hOPE I hElPEd .

Answer #2

welll since you live in nyc, would you mind driving to jersey? I live in jersey and if I was you, id hit up the casinos in atlantic city. you could do a lot in ac ..you got the shore, boardwalk, casinos ..and you could always hit up a bar if you end up wantin to drink. hope this helpeddd =)

Answer #3

whens your birthday? Im 21 in about three weeks now. Its a bit different for me though since here the legal drinking age is 18. Im having a party with my friends and family, which should be fun but completely humiliating as everyone will be trying to see who can embaress me the most…For my friends 21st earlier in the yr I had him and some friends over to my place for a dinner party then we just went out dancing

Answer #4

I’d go snorkeling.. but I live in Miami.

honestly, go dancing ? or maybe even just a dinner with old friends

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