Should I be embarrassed about my boobs?

I’m thirteen, almost fourteen, and am very self concious of my boobs. I’m a 34C, and guys and girls have said comments about how big they are. I don’t think I’m that huge though. Should I be embarrassed?

P.S. I didn’t know what category to put it in.

Answer #1

you should’nt be embarresed. take a boy who you like and show him your boobs and he’ll obey your every command!

Answer #2

dont worry at all im 13, 5’6 160 lbs, and a 36d. just love yourself and dont pay attention to what they say

Answer #3

No, dont feel bad. Trust me, I heard comments and then hid in sweaters for 5 years (I lived in Africa, it was hot year round!) it was so not worth it. The boys are immature idiots who have no control over their hormones, and the girls are just jealous. Dont listen to them!

Answer #4

big boobs are a gift babe, theres loads of girls out there who would die for boobs. im 15 and the same size as you, I would have loved to have these boobs when I was your age! Love your body the way it is :)

Answer #5

not at all you should be PROUD so many females these days PAY for what you have naturally

ps. a C cup isnt that big IM A 52 EEE

Answer #6

There’s no need to be embarrased, plenty of girls have big boobs just as plenty have small boobs. Everybody is different! And just ignore anyone who is negative/suggestive about them or you, they’re not worth worrying over! ;)

Answer #7

Don’t be embarrased, females come in all shapes and sizes… girls who have small breasts want larger breasts and vice versa… no matter what size they are your still you and noone can change that :) although if you feel like they’re too large you can always find clothes that make them appear smaller, but I wouldnt worry about it.

Answer #8

girl flaunt your junk. the only reason why anyone would say anything about it is because there jelouse and wish theres was that big. and for guys its because there jelouse too because they havent had the chance to have a girl with so much love to give. but dont let them have it because then itll just be a notch on the bed post. just flaunt it and let people just be jelouse.

Answer #9

its totally normal and you shouldnt fell embarased at all juat like summerlynn89 said flaut what you got

Answer #10

ima be fourteen in october and I’m a 36D. it’s normal. no reason to be embarrassed(:

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