I'm not treating him fairly.

I keep causeing arguments and being horrible with my boyfriend. I really need to stop but I’m finding it really hard. I don’t want to hurt him. I think it’s cause we are getting closer than I’m comfortable with. I’m used to keeping people-especially boys-at a distance cause I’ve been completely f*cked in previous relationships. I like him so much yet I can’t help making problems. Even little things like he says something and I know exactly what he means by it but my brain twists it and then I can’t stop seeing it that way. I feel psychotic for behaving like this. What should I do? I can’t keep taking out my problems on him.

Thanks in advance :)

Answer #1

I agree with the girl above. Make sure he understands thay you like him but your svared to mive on cause of your past. Apologize a lot for what you have already done and what you might do in the future

Answer #2

its understandable for you to keep a distance, trust me I know what its like to be fuked about with men, but you should defo talk to him about it, say its not your exact fault for the way you behave, you behave like this because you said before ‘ you’ve been fuked about in the past. I think if you tell him you will start to feel at ease. I mean if you contiune the way you are then you will never be able to get close with a guy because you will always end up behind scared that they will fu*k you about.

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