Was I pregnant, did I miscarry, and am I pregnant now?

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now. I recently took a pregnancy test because my period was a day late and it’s always like clock work. I took the test and it said I was pregnant. The day after that I started bleeding like a period and bled heavily for 5 days. After that I took another test and it said I was not pregnant. So was I really pregnant and miscarried or could I still be pregnant or was it a lousy test?.. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!

Answer #1

It sounds like the test was just false. My advice if you are trying to get pregnant is to keep having sex, esp right in the middle of your cycle when you are ovulating, then wait until your next period. If it doesnt come wait a week before you take a test to see if your period is just late to save you getting your hopes up, and if you go 5-6 weeks without a period then take a test and see your doctor, or you could go visit your doctor now anyway just to let him know what happened and for a check up just to be sure.

Answer #2

get a better test get either the one with the lines or go to a doctor and get checked hun thatz whut i would do

Answer #3

Yes, you could have been pregnant. Although false positives have occured in hpt, they are rare…it is more common to get a false negative. What you probably had is what is refered to as a chemical pregnancy.

A chemical pregnancy is the clinical term used for a very early miscarriage. In many cases, the positive pregnancy test was achieved before the woman’s period but a miscarrige occured before a heartbeat was able to be seen on an ultrasound.

With the ultra sensitive pregnancy tests on the market today, it is easier than ever to get a positive result before your period. The problem with early testing is that it shows chemical pregnancies which would not have been detected had the woman waited.

Chemical pregnancies are common with 50 to 60% of first pregnancies end in miscarriage very early in pregnancy. Most occur without the woman even knowing that she was pregnant.

Answer #4

Hmmm. Some of the store bought tests aren’t always accurate. Go see your doctor and have him/her give you a test. Those are the most accurate tests. =]

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