How do I get out of this lonely rut?

I’m 20 years old and am unemployed because my last job I had a accident and lost the use of my left hand which is also my writing hand so have found it difficult to find suitable work. So now i spend my days sat at home,and it’s driving me crazy. I’ve tried to contact friends but everyones always busy my boyfriend works and when he isn’t he just wants to laze about the house.This boredom has lead to me putting on weight and i now have to take antidepressants to help me.I just feel like I’m on my own and have no one to talk to,and I’m just getting into deeper rut.

Answer #1

did you even read the question ghetto? lol… she said she is on antidepressants … but moving on to your question claire… well i understand how you feel, i have been in a situation where i was doing nothing and to make it worse i couldn’t talk to anyone or do anything fun… it was right before i went to basic training… i was a “hold over” as they call it… and we just had to sit around in the barracks and we couldn’t leave except to go to chow… day in day out… almost everyone there went slightly crazy… you can do a few things… talk to your boyfriend… because i feel commuication is key… and if he doesn’t want to help you figure out something, then he isn’t looking after your needs. You could get a therapist to talk to and have your last job pay for it possibly… you should be getting disability for what happened right? If not you should be… and use this money to go have fun… as far as a job… there should be some jobs where you wouldn’t have to use your left hand…. i can’t think of any right now… but im sure if you put some thought into it… you could come up with something…

good luck


Answer #2

hey best thing i can tell u iz find a hobby find somethin u like 2 do and something u will enjoy i know wat ur going thru iz tuff but u can overcome nething

Answer #3

Dear claire87, I’m assuming that you are also on disability from your accident. Since you’re not working you have some time to go to places like a fitness club or volunteer somewhere. There are tons of things you can be doing to get out of the house. The fact that you have lost the use of one hand is very sad but you are learning to do everything with your other hand…soon this will be second nature for you. Then you’ll be able to get any job because they will see how determined and resourceful you are by learning to compensate for the other hand. The world is waiting for you to get out there and explore. Head to the door, open it and walk out knowing that nothing is impossible. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

go on an antidepressant and try to look more pretty. be more confident in yourself

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