I'm freaking out and I just need some help!

I have a big presentation tomorrow for my honors english class. A lot of people went on friday but I didn’ t and now I’m freaking out about presenting I’m practiclly crying right now. I know my presentation isn’t as good as the other peoples and my teacher grades really hard and I’m already doing kinda bad in that class because I’m so distracted because my recently dead aunt’s birthday is coming up my dad is in jail my grandmother is sick and things are really stressful so I’m already distracted and I wanna do good and I’ve tried so hard to work on this but I know I’m gonna do bad and it’ snot half as good as other peoples and I just wanna take the zero but I can;t and I’m freaking out I’m never like this! I don’t know what to do!!! And I have midterms next week so thats jsut even worse

Answer #1

I feel the same way. I hate speeches.The best thing you can do is just get it over with.MAYBE yers isnt as good as everyone elses.But this isnt the kinda thing that everyone is gonna remember forever.Its a speech.Most people hate speeches.So dont freak out. And if your really scared then ask the teacher if you could possibly do it one on one durring lunch er somtin.

Answer #2

dude.. you need to have a talk with your teacher, and tell them about what is going on at home. They might give you some more time to work on it. Teachers are really understanding in situations like these… and if they’re a jerk about it, then go to your guidance counselor. It seems as though your troubles are much more pressing than the usual lame excuses that kids give to get out of work.

Answer #3

You have a lot going on, you should talk to your teachers. For my english class, I was in the hospital for a few days and my teacher just had me present in front of only her. However if you decide to do it, just take a deep breath, go up there and do your thing. You’re gonna do great.

Answer #4

TEL your TEACJER THIS!. hun I am sorry, but you need some help. if you tell her all that you just told us she should go easier on you.. oh and by the way. how old are u?

Answer #5

Hey listen you are a Sagitarious, we are optimistic people, think positive. You are in Honars English, that says a lot ok…so just take a deep breath, you presentation is already done right??? all you have to do is give it right?? DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE OTHER PRESENTAIONS, you do not know theirs are better than yours, let you teacher decide! They key to speaking in public is being confident…look English teachers always grade hard, but don’t worry about it, Just get up there and smile big and let it all out…it will be over before you know it, and you will say…wow that wasn’t all that bad. You will look back on this one day remember it wasn’t that bad and it will give you confidence in the future.

Life will throw all kinds of stuff at you…some good…some bad, but its how we deal with these situations that makes us who we are!

I’m sorry to hear about your family…thats got to be tough…but take this with you where ever you go…Take Life “One DAY at A Time”

Answer #6

You have two options:

1.) Tell your teacher what is going on at home because he/she will most likely be understanding and give you some extra time to work on your presentation. NO GUARANTEES, SORRY!!!

2.) Present all of the information that you have and you might surprise your self by getting an A.

Whatever you do, remember to stay calm and breath. I always get nervous right before I have to present something, no mattter what it is or how big or little it will affect my grade. If you stay calm and do your very best then you should do okay. GOOD LUCK!!!

Answer #7

Oh yeah. Bad thing to have to do, but you could talk to your teacher had a guy in my class like you. Had panic attacks and everything so she let him present everything to her personally if it was a solo project. :)

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