I love you but...

I love you but…

everyone has heard these words more then likely and what follows usually breaks your heart or someone elses.. I’ve said em and had em said to me so I’m just curious what were they followed by when you heard em or when you said em to someone else?

Answer #1

this is what my ex-boyfriend said:

“I love you but you I think we should date other people…
-but still keep a physical relationship -oh, and I’m going to date the one person you asked me not to.”

Answer #2

Said it. Meant it. Mean it :D. But only say it when your really commited to the person. Not say it then like a month after just dump the person. Lmao

Answer #3

“I love you but I cant commit, it’s me” (then he went back with his ex…)

Answer #4

my boyfriend said that. he said I love you but… I think we need a break to fix this mess with our parents. it was sad

Answer #5

Lmao my girlfriend once said jokingly “I love you BUT…why??! O_o” haha

Answer #6

I’ve said that before… I love you BUT I don’t think we’re gonna work. :(

Answer #7

I said “ I love you but we need time away from each other.”

And I dated his friend…

I broke his heart but we’re still friends. :(

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