I love to laugh, but sometimes it drives me CRAZY!

I love to laugh, I laugh all the time. I laugh at people’s jokes, I giggle when I talk to cute guys (well, guy), and just at random words or at something I’m thinking about. I’m known for my laughter(and my smile/smiling). no lie. I’m either Giggles or Smiley the problem is that it’s just so annoying sometimes, I cant stop laughing a lot of the time and I try to hold it in, but then I start making like snickering noises and it’s just so embarrassing. some people find it funny, but a few find it annoying, I’m with them. how can I just learn to stop laughing at random words or things that people say that are unintentionally inappropriate?

Answer #1

There’s nothing wrong with being a happy person! We need more than a few million of you in this world. Smiling and laughing is VERY healthy for you and for people around you. It keeps you looking young too!

I find myself laughing and smiling at small things too but just b/c everyone else isn’t like that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me. Smiling/laughing is very contagious, just like a yawn is. I felt the way you did until I realized the difference of people’s personalities when they’re with me and with “normal” people. Example: Someone walks down the hall frowning as he passes the frowning woman of the office, then see me and returns a smile. My smiles get returned 99% of the time which results in me being around “smiling” people all day! Laughing and smiling is what life is all about.

People all have their own opinion; you, just be yourself. Some people may find you annoying while others find you fun, free-spirited, happy, joyful, ect…

Answer #2

It just means your a happy person - maybe refraining from a laugh all of the time and try to keep it at a smile sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with laughing but if it’s to the point where it’s annoying, try to just smile instead.

Answer #3

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you laughing or smiling. In fact, in my church, my leaders and the rest of the congregation laugh about small things and other words that are funny. We need more people like you in this world to help lighten up things. You’re just a happy person! It’s better to be happy then sad or depressed all the time. If you find things that are annoying and you can’t help laugh about them, just smile and try to refrain from laughing. Don’t worry, allot of my friends laugh about small things and sometimes inappropriate things.

Answer #4

OMG I get that ALL the time its well annoying , I get told off and sent out of class 4 it at school Lol its soo annoyin , I cannot hold in my giggles either haha yeah I fined it embarissing too Lol

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