I love my grirlfriend but she buges me about it

I love her and I know she loves me ,but I don’t know if she knows I love her I tell her I do all the time , but she will ask me(do you realy love me) and stuff like that it kind of bothers me that she will ask that..am I wrong to be agrivated about it or what

Answer #1

Kaay, well I understand how it could be annoying but whenever my boy says tyt to me I always say oh yeah sure, and annoying crap like thY, truth is we just love hearing you say that and we love the attention. It’s not that were mad at you or don’t believe you …

Answer #2

That’s funny you wrote that I just found this site about a minute ago!!! The funny thing is I ask my boyfriend the same thing do you really love me.. How long have you been with her?? I would say the reason she might ask that is somthing is missing how do you guys get along..

Answer #3

you are right to feel agrivated but she is obviously looking for something more. all you need is on moment that really shows her that you love her. If you are a musician write her a song, or a writer write her a romantic poem, if you are an athlete at the end of your game (whatever sport is is) write I love you on your chest and rip your shirt off. sometimes girls need that little bit of extra romance. One romantic moment and she will know that you really mean it, even though you do.

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