ok im am bassically in love with this guy but he has a girlfriend and eveyytime I c him my heart just goes crazy! how do I tell him without getting totally embarrassed! HELP HELP HELP!

Answer #1

I’ve had this problem before.. I wouldnt just go right out and tell him drop hints when his girlfriend does things that annoy him be like wow I cant believe she would do that. then he knows you dont do that and he will start to think about how he might be happier if he was with you.. and just always be really nice and try to treat him better in a non flirty way then his girlfriend does so he feels comfortable with you and not pressured to cheat or anything and then maybe he will see that he likes you and when you think he does lay it on him that you think hes wayy cute and is sometimes jealous of his girlfriend because shes so lucky to have him. he will get the hint.. hopeffuly. haha and then hopefully he will tell you how he feels about u. good luck! just be the kick it girl dont make it obvious you like him because if hes good to his girlfriend he will turn away from those girls because hes taken but if you just act like a nice friend he will be comfortable

Answer #2

well, what I usually do is when I like a guy I don’t give all in. just in case it may not work out and your left heartbroken. make sure that he likes you first before you give your heart to him. just be friends at first hang out with him every other day and so on and so on. but don’t be bugging him and asking him if you can hang out a lot. or he will think your obsessed. and that would not be a very good impression. just give him little hints like compliment how like if he gets a hair cut or something.

Answer #3

I say be his friend since he has a girlfriend. or just plain out tell him it depends on the situation do you like him for a reason or are you just infatuated with him or is this a crush. you cant love someone you havent been with I know first hand check out my question lol I guess gimme a lil bit more info and lets figure this out. I only wish someone could help me out with the love of my life lol

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