I love him but I need him

My boyfriend and I really wanna stay together for a long time. I’m only 14. I really like him, but my ex’s are doing everything to brake us up its driving me nuts! But thatsnot my problem. My problem is that we wanna have a long distance relationship, because I’m moving. And we wanna be together but I have a fear he’s gunna dump me soon. =/ . I tell him , and he says he’s never going to hurt me etc. He’s 12, going to be 13. But help! How do. I try and get over the dumb fear I have?

Answer #1

I hate to break this too you - but your only 14 years old. It’s nice that you care for your boyfriend and hope you will stay with him forever - but reality is, you won’t. In fact, I’m sure you will fall in love several more times before you find the right one. Dating when your young is practice and it’s about experience and learning about yourself and what you want in a partner.

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