I love him, where is he?

okay..well my boyfriend IS Back on drugs he has treated me like crap for two days not answering the phone not showing up to get me..like yesterday he said he would call me when he got home well he didnt today he didnt go to work..well..he is post to be so sick he cant get outta bed well I just called and he was gone they dk were he is he isnt at work or any hospitals what do I do..before I kill myself..

Answer #1

Lose him, and (hopefully?) you can be thankful that you didn’t get yourself pregnant.

There’s no love returned. Why give him something he won’t give you?

Answer #2

People on drugs are very selfish… You cannot be in a relationship with someone who is abusing drugs, because the drugs will always win… It isnt really his fault, it’s just the way it is… The mind doesnt think normally when it’s addicted to something… You need to calm down because there is nothing you can do. He has made his decision and is taking care of himself. You need to figure out how to take care of yourself now…

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