I like this boy...

Ok well, i like this boy he is different tho he wouldnt react like most boys would. He is single and i want him to ask me out and be assured that i can say yes. but how do i find out if he likes me?

Answer #1

well I am a guy so I think I can help ^^. If the guy is young like in his teens like me, then most guys show it by being really really nice or being really really mean like teasing you a lot lol. If you are next to him and hes says hi to you. Some guys say hi to you in the hallways if your in school. O if he instant messages you or emails you thats is a very good sign. hmm o ya if he talks to you more than he does in other girls or just hangs out more with you more. Or if he says hi or bye to you. Its rare but ya…these are only when they show major interest in a girl.

But heres a trick if you want to know if he likes you at all. Sit next to him close. And if he doesnt move away then he likes you. Works every time ^^. Then general idea is getting close to him. And if he deosnt move away then he likes you.

Theres is more but I am so lazy to type it all down ^^. If you still have trouble then you can message me and tell me his behavior. I don’t mind. Hope this helps

Answer #2

Just drop hints to him and see his reaction, trust me you’ll be able to work out whether he likes you or not. just be a lil more flirty with him and see how he responds.

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