I like my best guy friend.

I’m falling in love with my best guy friend and I get the feeling that he feels the same way. He always tells me I’m beautiful, calls me, always attempts to make me laugh/smile and always tells me I deserve better than the latest jerk. Well at least he used too. One night while we were talking on the phone and he asked me out but the thing is, everything is a joke to him, so when he asked me out I couldn’t tell if he was joking or being real. I played it off thinking he was just playing around, so I said “I don’t know.” I later found out, he likes me a lot too and he wasn’t playing around. His friend told me he’s really hurt, I want to call him and confess him my feelings for him. What should I do?

Answer #1

You should tell him how you really feel and tell him that you really want to go out. This way he will know how you feel and you can work things out.

Hope I helped.

Answer #2

Be straightforward with him. Tell him you’re not joking. He’ll listen, and then you should be able to get a straight answer. Don’t listen to what friends say, because then it doesn’t come straight from the source. No matter how awkward it may be, you’ll get an honest answer and maybe even be together :)

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me :) Love, Emma.

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