I like best friend what do I do :^)(L)?x

I like my best friend and I think he likes me to but a dont want to just come out with it because a dont want to lose him and I love him and hes such a big part of my life a couldnt stand making him feel weird and not want to talk anymore what should I do :(?x

Answer #1

Put him to a test, does he get jealous when you talk about other guys? Does he text,e-mail or call you atleast once a day? If so he’s into you so get cho flirt on and give him clues you like him!

Answer #2

just tell him if he dont fill the same way then he will tell you that and you 2 will still be friends it might be acweird at first but it worth it if he filles the same way

Answer #3

well this happened to me..and we wur friends for bout 5 years..but it all started like this…he sent me a forward that said blah blah if you forward the person you like willl text you call you ask you out ect. so I wrote back in text and I just simply asked him who he liked and he said me and I told him I liked him 2…I was worried just like u,,I didnt wanna lose him and I didnt wanna ruin our friendship but im glad he said sumthin..maybe you oughtta just ask his friend if to ask the boy if he likes you or not..or tell the boy how you feel if you think he feels da same way.. we’ve been in a relationship for 1o months hope this helped..

Answer #4

well this happened with my best friend, it was from a different perspective but pretty much the same thing. He liked me, and one day I kinda made him tell me who he liked, and it turned out it was me and I didnt like him in that way, so it was kind of awkward for a while, but pretty soon everything was back to normal. we even joke about him liking me sometimes so everything is ok now. so I say you tell him, I mean your not losing anything so might as well do it! if he doesnt like you back then just try to forget anything happend, and if he likes you, then thats awesome!!

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