what do girls look for in a guy

I havent had a girlfriend in a while and I dont know why any advice on how to get some girls to like me what girls look for in a guy

Answer #1

Someone whose understanding, caring, sweet, funny, confident but not cocky/conceited, fun to be around, a guy who likes hanging with me but at the same time he’s not to clingy, lovable/affectionate, a guy who likes to hold hands, not afraid to bring me around his friends, doesn’t treat me differently when he’s around his friends, and the BIGGEST thing I hate Is when I tell a guy even if he’s a friend that I’m ‘alright’ and they just don’t bother asking again…I no that your not SUPPOST to know somethings wrong but I’d atleast like for the dude to try a little harder to figure out if I’m srsly ok or if somethings bothering me you no? …lol I don’t think I set my expectations to high even tho it prbly seems that way..mainly I like honest trustworthy guys. Someone I can tell anything to and I no he won’t judge me or won’t run off and tell his friends… [: hope I helped? lol

Answer #2

they do not like players try kind funny nice

Answer #3

Trust and communication are the best keys!!! And women like attention. But don’t go way overboard

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