I have just found out that I am pregnant at 16

I dont talk to my mum…but any suggetions on how to telll my dad…??

Answer #1

be upset..I wrote off a car with a 7.5 tonne truck..but because I burst into tears he didn’t have a go at me…

although I’m fairly sure already that you’re going to cry through pure relief… expect him to be angry, he WILL want to know who the father is and will probably respond by blamming him…rather than you!

try to take responsibility for what has happened, your his little girl and we won’t like to think or you doing what you did to make you pregnant…and honestly, he will probably blame the guy… but hello12 is right, you just have to tell him, make sure he’s in a relativly good mood, all you could do is tweak the circumstances in your favour…

the first quesiton he will ask you though (probably, well after who’s the dad) is what are you going to do?

I know you can’t think past telling him at the moment, but he will want to know what you have planned…

good luck! x

Answer #2

Your dad is going to flip out a bit, but give him a chance to accept what has happened. Talk about options, prenatal care, and I am sure he’ll be there to support you. If he is squeamish about going to the doctor’s then ask an aunt, or a friend, or older sibling to go w/you. Your most important priority is to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy, and know that there are support groups, and agencies to help you.

Answer #3

Like hello12 said you just got to give it to him plain and simple, thats what I did with my mom and she was a little upset but theres nothing they can do about it but accept it. If he throws a fit and gets mad thats okay, just give him his room for a little bit and he will come around eventually. Your his daughter and even though he may not like some of the choices you make in life he’s always going to have your back.

Answer #4

sit your dad down.. and say to him. . that youv got some news. and that you hope he doesnt flip at you. then say.. im pregnant. theres not a simpler way to say it. =) xx

Answer #5

ok whatever you do DONT tell your dad before you tell your mom… knowing dads he will go after the guy who got you pregnant… tell your mom thats your best bet…

Answer #6

ok whatever you do DONT tell your dad before you tell your mom… knowing dads he will go after the guy who got you pregnant… tell your mom thats your best bet…

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