I hate school

Ok so I HATE school. I am smart and am in HA.(high acheivers) But I hate homework and don’t do it. But then I don’t get good grades. And when I don’t get good grade my parents freek out and I mean FREEK out. I wish I could just get home schooled so I don’t have to worry as much. What should I do? I like hangging out with friends but I just don’t like school. And then I lie to my sister saying my homework is done And she says she is so proud of me and I feel sooo gulty. What can I do?!!

Answer #1

umm.. try doing your hwk in class ths helps alottt when you cant focus or are busy @ home.. or are partying after skewl.. etc.

Answer #2

me too…my mom is PSYCHO about my grades, I try to do good in school, but I get Cs. my life is too stressful to deal with homework. I just had to write a SEVEN PAGE essay. it was assigned on friday and was due today. I stayed home sick just so I could get it done on time. I was working all weekend, and all day today. my teacher is a total prick and probably will only give me like a D on iit

Answer #3

Well, it all depends on what you want to do when you are older. If you want a successful job or to go to college, you need acceptable grades. Everyone on the planet has to go through school. Trust me, I hate it a lot too. But it’s just like our job. You have to push through and get it done. When it’s out of your way, you will be happy you did your best. And that’s the point. No matter how pissed your parents may get about your grades. You can only do your best. Is watching TV all day and putting off your homework until 10 at night your best? If it is, then fine. But that’s something you have to decide.

(sorry if I sound like an a**. just trying to help. school is deff gay though)

Answer #4

how about actually doing your homework? if your are in HA then im guessing you can handle a tiny bit of homework. if you keep this up you are going to die in highschool. thats when things get rough. AKA: START DOING HOMEWORK its not that bad…

Answer #5

Realize it’s your future you’re wasting away - you’re choosing to have the ‘hate school’ attitude - choosing to fail - choosing to lie - YOU can change all of those…turn it around !!

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