I hate love ugh

I fell for a guy and he seemingly fell back, but he has a girlfriend… :[ we’re away for school and he rarely sees her, and he’s tried to break up with her several times in the year or so they’ve been dating… should I back off???

Answer #1

yes, I think you should back off or tell him how you feel but that you will not do anything with him while he has a girlfriend make sure that you dont end up waiting for him to break it off, but it never happening (its a fate too many girls fall into)

Answer #2

Well you definately gotta tell him so and really, don’t follow his lead and wait patiently while he is ready to “break-up with her”.

If he really wanted to do so, TRUST ME, guys don’t hesitate in doing so..maybe he still got something for her and thats why he doesn’t break up with her.

Either wait till he does so and then make the move, or make the move now but only under the condition he breaks up with her. Also don’t force him to, make it in a very blunt insgnificant type of way so it will seem like his initiative for the break up and not yours.

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