I eavesdropped on my boyfriend and his friend

okay so me and this guys have been like dating but we haven’t. We have been hooking up and going out on dates and everything and he calls me his girlfriend, and we arent like allowed to hook up with other people. but it just like isnt “offical” But he is a senior and im a freshman and I feel like he is just using me. and the other day I was on the phone with him and he was with his friend evan. so then we talked for awhile and then he had to go because he was driving so I like was waiting for him to hang up but he didnt because he phone is like extra complicated. So I was just was like waiting and then he started talking about me to his friend. And hes like sh*t man she is starting to get attached. and evan was like thats not good. and he was like yea because im just going to break her heart. and then he was just like saying alll these things that I do that bugs him and everything and then I just got upset so I hung up.

but noww I dont know what to do? should I just like end things? or ask him about it? but then he might get mad because I like listened it which I shouldn’t have doneee

Answer #1

reb1312 yes I do know about it but no he is 17 he is young for his age

and he isn’t a bad guy like he is the one that has moved the realtionship so fast and he is the one that is always like I LIKE YOU and all this stuff

Answer #2

That friggen sucks, I agree with the others.. end it. Just get him back for it too, like annoy him then break up with him for being an censored lol? :)

Answer #3

“But he is a senior and im a freshman and I feel like he is just using me”

You think? Come on…

Depending on his age, it’s probably even ILLEGAL. Do you even know that?

Answer #4

Sometimes people are scared of looking like fools so they say things they don’t mean. I suggest you speak to him before you do anything hasty. He sounds like a scumbag but he deserves some kind of chance to explain things. If he offers no real explantion and stands by what he’s said tell him not contact you again and move on find someone you respects you and treats you right. good luck :)

Answer #5

Yeh hes a jerk ! hes just using you im sorry to say. they’ll be a better person out there for you im sure of it. and when it comes to age, dont be too quick to judge as you could be in that position at some time. Age doesnt matter if two people are in love although in this situation the loves seems one sided. just finish it dont even think about hurting his feelings because he aint thought about u! x

Answer #6

End it,

Answer #7

You should ask him wtf his problem is…just end it.

Answer #8

end it…

say goodbye, loose a few tears etc etc. just be sure to END IT

Answer #9

end it… dont give that a$$hole the satisfaction of breaking up with you first… even though it hurts pretend like you dont care… and end it… there are other fish in the sea that are a lot better catches then this iddiot.

Answer #10

first of all, “he is young for his age” makes no sense… lol… but anyway, you should talk to him about it… tell him that you heard what he said… if the things he doesn’t like about you are simple, stupid things, then maybe you can change them… I don’t mean like your appearance or anything… like my boyfriend hates it when I bite my lip ring, so I try not to do it around him… but if he actually plans on breaking up with you eventually then you should just end it now so you don’t get hurt even worse… it’s very possible that he is just using you… some guys can be very convincing to get what they want from a girl… just do what you think you should do and save yourself the hurt…

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