I dont see my boyfriend at all!!

I’ve been going out with this guy for about 2 years now. we met at uni but now I have left I moved back home. we live 2 hours away from each other. He is literally the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with him and he feels the same way.

He has family problems 24/7 he’s always helping them out that he never has time for me. In 1 year I’ve met him exactly 4 times!!! I done know if its natually but im am crazy. he thinks im psycho because I go mad all the time I swear then I breakdown and start crying. im trying to help myself by going out bu everytime I get alone it really gets to me. When I see my friends hanging with their guys I cry inside because all I want to do is be happy.

I’ve spoke to him hunders of times about this situation and how he needs to pull more time out else this relationship will breakdown he said he will change but can one have this much patient? I dont know what else I can do…? Get married?

Answer #1

Wow 4 times in one year isn’t much…yet, if you truly feel he’s the one then you’ve got to start making some serious plans as to how you guys can be closer. Of course, the best option is living in the same town (or moving in together). This means one of you has to make a sacrifice and move to where the other one is. This would make things much easier so why not start talking about how this can happen. Next, if he’s too busy to come visit you then you’ll just have tot go visit him. It might not be as romantic as you had in mind, but if he’s stuck with family problems why not lend a hand and go visit him. Last but not least, if you guys a serious about each other then you both have to sacrifice to be together. Instead of just asking him for more time discuss real plans as to how this can happen and where he will make time in his schedule. Once you’ve agreed to a set schedule (example: every two weeks one person goes to the others for the weekend) then it will be much easier to make things happen. Remember a relationship is a two way street.

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