I dont like me

I know this is wierd, but its really taking over a lot in my life..Evertime I look in the mirror I get upset, Im really unhappy with my apperance..Im a lil over weight, Im 5’4 and weigh 170lbs..Im trying to loose weight, but its not working I’ve tried like every crazy yo yo diet..and I get small results but they dont last..I always thinkg people around me look way better then I do, and I feel like I dont dress nice. I dont have a lot of money to buy new clothes a lot..so I have to make due with what I have and its not that flaterring..most of the time you see me in black, I get very uncomfetable when im in colors..I ALWAYS find something wrong with the way I look..its tooken a big toll on my relationship too..my spose says im beautiful and he dont think I need to do anything. but I know I do..bwcause I just want to be happy..can anyone help me please? any good tips or advice..how can I get rid of this problem thats ruining my life?!

Answer #1

First off - when you get results from a diet, results will stop once you stop making an effort and that’s why they don’t last. Anyways I don’t even think its about that, you just have no confidence at all. You need to see the beauty in yourself and be thankful for what you have, you and I both know there’s tons of people in this world who have a much worse image and a much worse life.

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