Does he just want me for my body?

I am with a boy who I really like but he seems like he just wants my body instead of the real me. I always want to talk to him but he’ll end up wanting to make out or something. And he says that I just need to call him or go see him if I want to talk or anything… I really like him and I say yes to almost anything he wants to do but this seems too weird because I still see him even though I broke up with him about a week ago … so what do I do?!?! I’m lost and I don’t know any other guy to go out with because most of them are jerks …

Answer #1

I know what you are going through. I went through this for quite a few months before finding the man I’m with now. Yes, most guys are jerks who just want sex. I had to discover that the hard way. However, not all of them are like that. There are guys who act mature and who want the emotional and mental stimulation in a relationship, not just the sexual. As for this guy, if you feel like he just wants you for your body then you are probably right. Trust your instincts. Also, you wrote “I don’t know any other guy to go out with..” you do not need a man to be happy. This is also something else I have learned. The only person that is going to make you happy is you. Follow your dreams and work toward your goals. Making a great life for yourself is going to last forever while a man might only last for a short time. You need to respect yourself and you need to be respected. Don’t let anyone use you and let this guy know that you are worth so much more than that. I hope this helps.

Answer #2

Why do you feel like you have to have a bf? Thats called insecure if you need to be with somebody! He sounds like he is just using you….especially when you 2 arent even going out anymore. Find some gfs to hang out with. You dont need a guy to be happy!

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