I don't think I can cope.

I’m sorry if I seem really whiny or emotional or something like that, but I’m really struggling to cope with things at the minute.

My ex boyf. makes comments about me only thinking I’m fat so others will say I’m not, and it sounds stupid but it hurts so much, because although I know its stupid, I thought he loved me. I thought he knew how I felt.

On the note of him, I still hurt so much inside after he finished me. I love him. I know I do. Despite it being 10 months since we finished, and I’ve not had a proper conversation with him since. I miss him.

I feel so fat all the time, I’m terrified of gaining weight and I’m miserable looking like me. People are commenting on how skinny I’m getting, but I can’t stop myself. I can’t stop something telling me that I NEED to be thinner. I compare myself to other people. Not just friends, but people I don’t even know. I’ll see someone with lovely skinny legs and I think ‘I wish I looked like that’

I’m disgustingly ugly, and when I’m with my friends, who are all stunning, I feel like the ugly duckling. They have so much more potential than me and I hate being so disgusting looking.

I feel as if the world is weighing my down and I really don’t know what to do. I just want to be beautiful and normal. I don’t want to seem ungreatful, because I’ve had quite a good upbringing, but those things above are ruining my life. Life would be fine if it werent for that. I just needed to get this off my chest really.

Answer #1

It suxs how you feel. I felt like that when some jerk just stopped talking to me. I feel I’m fat and ugly all the time and that no one would ever date me. Heck, I’m 18 and never been kissed! But you know, what…its best to forget about him. DON”T compare yourself to other people. I do that all the time and I’m kinda trying not to and it’s working. All you got to do is be confident in yourself. If someone sees that you’re not confident, then that’s getting you nowhere. Trust me, become confident in yourself. Go shopping and buy stuff! Go with someone you have fun with too. I’m learning how to be more confident with myself and it’s paying off. Even if you think you’re ugly, half the time, someone else thinks the opposite. If you lived where I live, hang out with me downtown…your confidence would go thru the roof! lol. Then, there’s plenty of guys out there in the world and you’ll find someone that likes you for you. I thought no one would ever like me and I’d never be in a relationship. As of today, thats changed. So be confident in yourself. Don’t let ONE guy, make you feel the way you feel. That’s the worst thing.

Much Luv!♥

Answer #2

wow I feel exactly the same especially atm but I havent even had a boyfriend im that ugly, and therefore its not my boyfriend calling me fat its my dad and my brothers

Answer #3

I know exactly how you feel, I love this guy who I had an awesome relationship and I haven’t talked to him in a couple of months, and I still feel for him as much as I did when I first met him. I know I love him, and I am sure you love this guy! Never feel badly about the way you look, think about the people that love you, they love you and don’t care how you look.. as cheesy as that sounds it is so true!! There is no real image of what beauty is or looks like, everyone sees beauty differently, so if not every thinks you are beautiful someone does and someone will always !!

xxlv ps. just try and think of him less thats how I’ve healed, it isn’t easy but it works eventually

Answer #4

I know what your feeling.. I have an ex- that made me feel so down about myself yet, I’m still in love wth him. I understand this.. But Keep moving forward..

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