I don't understand why !?

I went out with this guy, and things didnt work out. thn about 8 months later whn im finally over him, we start getting friendly and fooling around and then all my feelings come back !. its been about 2 months since we started fooling around and we still are. Any reason why he randomly started talking to me again ?

Answer #1

I don’t really think on and off things are supposed to be happy so… yeah like everyone else says, let him go. What I think is that he’s using you for sex, or mainly only cares about your appearance. I think you should move on. ;/

Answer #2

Hes using you, and as rawrgrrl said, he knows he can come back to youwhen all else fails. You need to STOP being his little doormat! What he feels for you isnt love, its purely physical (lust)!!

Answer #3

To say it bluntly: because he is horny. he knows you and he knows that he can fall back on you when he is going through a dry spell on girls

Answer #4

he could just want sex (use you for sex)

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