I cant get over him

its been over a year and I cant get over my 1st love. I’ve gone out with various guys since but everytime im with them I think of him I feel guilty and I try to stop and be happy but I cant let it go. What should I do?

Answer #1

Try new hobbies, expand your experiences and meet new people. With time you can build a new life and find new love.

Answer #2

no..we wre going on and off :( we kept saying we needed breaks… I broke up with him one day..2 days later..I admitted I couldnt be with out me. We were together again..and then like 2 days afer that he broke up with me..I honestly believed that we would get back together..we always did. and then he told me…he didnt love me anymore. that he fell out of love with me months ago… he fell in love with another girl…who is the girl he has fell hardest for in all of his 19 years of life… theres no hope for me…and today it got worse… I was with this guy and we were making out..and then he kissed me all romantically on my cheecks and forehead..we were caught in the moment like hey do in movies…and then he softly sucked on my cheek playfully…and I went tense. My first love use to do thata and he would even leave hickys on me… I styarted to sob so hard and this guy didnt even know what to do with me.. its been a year,..and im tired of holding on to things I shouldnt..but thats all I have.

Answer #3

:( This problem isnt as uncommon as you might think. I would never get over my first love either. I guess if I were you id just have to admit that theres only one person that can make me happy and then do whatever it takes to get them back. Im sure he felt the same way, but it all depends on why you broke up, did you dump him? did he dump you? did one of you cheat or did you just need change? was there a bitterness between you? if not and you stayed friends or at least didnt declare your hatered for each other then why not try to talk to him about it?

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