I can turn polar bears white?

What riddle is the line “I can turn polar bears white”? My kid brother in high school said one to me the other week and now I can’ t get a hold of him and my girl want’s to know the riddle. Can anyone finish this for me?

Answer #1

the answer has to be no cause every time you ask one of those little bastards something they say no. they think your probably talking bout drugs, no kindergardner is going to sit through that whole thing anyway, they would have started yelling no or fart half way through that stupid ass riddle

Answer #2

Member since: May 30, 2006 Total points: 100 (Level 1) Points earned this week:
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Pat O 0 I turn polar bears white? I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, Ill pop.

If you look at me, youll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #3

Okay, wow.. I wasn’t gonna comment on this, but I just have to. Wow. To the people who are getting all technical with this, You need to stop looking at the riddle specifically. And, only look at the real question.

Now, to the people who are saying ‘ time ‘ and ‘pressure’ are the answer. Yes, it’s POSSIBLE that those are the answer. But, it says that kindergartens figured it out. Those answers are way to deep and thought out for a five-year-old to understand, much less contemplate as the answer to such a riddle.

Also, it’s now debatable as to whether the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’. I think it depends on you’re point of view. I mean, yes you can guess the answer. But, some are taking it onto themselves as solving the riddle, That is how they come to the conclusion as ‘no’.

I think the answer is both yes and no. And I think this riddle was devised to see how many fights can be ensured on the answer.

Much love, Stevie

Answer #4

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES, I can guess it. We’ve all sat here and guessed it, right or wrong, so it can’t be “NO” because that’s a guess. Now, you all make up a bunch of unrelated lines about “I can..” or “If..” and then end it with “Can you guess the riddle?” and post it and laugh at all the arguments and dialogue ensues.
Really.. just make up a bunch of googly-gopp and end it with “Can you guess the riddle?” Here let me try one:

I turn sense into nothing And I will make you waste your time I make you guys into babbling idiots And girls scratch their heads I make self-proclaimed intellects look stupid And normal people look like geniuses I turn minds spinning And make your thoughts obsessive If you don’t overthink it, the answer will pop If you dwell on me you’ll pop Can you guess the riddle?

YES YES YES- The answer is Yes.. and the object of the riddle is the riddle.. Have a good day.

Answer #5

“i” is the answer. every statement begins with “I”. The last one throws you off because it says “you,” which is a another pronoun.

Answer #6

If you squeeze God, he’ll pop? Good luck.

Answer #7


Answer #8

I think the answer is no because there can be so many daifferent answers so there for there is really no answer

Answer #9

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop.

Answer #10

Polar bears are not white. They are actually black. There fur might be white, but thats do to light. And the light to earth takes time. So. The answer is time. Babing.

Answer #11

LMAO!!!! this is retarded….. everyone is trying to be right….. this is a riddle, it’s suppose to make you think… not debate…. why doesn’t someone just ask the person who created the riddle and get the right answer…. its sad that never occured to y’all……

Answer #12

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #13

I think “NO” can be the answer to every single riddle in the world.

I read stuff on website I make you gess what the answer I pull random crap out of my a$$ and I make you sit there and think about it for hours I make the sky turn blue and I make your face look ugly Can you guess this riddle? NO

Answer #14

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #15

My Answer:

The bloody internet.

Answer #16

no is the correct answer, and to tht pete guy, if u said no, then it would be yes, true. but no is the answer, if the answer was yes, the answer would still be questionable becuase ud be waiting for the answer, sence u dont kno it, its no, hence wut u just said makes no sence, and if u got wut i said, then u will understand, so i hope YOUR confused, cheers, nick

Answer #17

Sure! The riddle you are talking about is:

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #18

the anwser is NO.

the riddle asks: can you guess the riddle


you can guess the anwser but that is not what it is asking you to find

thus there is no anwser

Answer #19

Actually, 87% of kindergarten children wouldn’t say time, they would simply answer the question… “Can you guess the riddle?” And the answer is actually “NO”.

Have fun!

Answer #20

The answer is “NO!” Can you answer this riddle? NO (get it?) That’s why 84% of the kindergarden kids got it. You think they said “pressure or time?” people are reading too deep into it and the answer is right there. That’s why the Harvard grads couldn’t get it and little kids responded with NO.

Answer #21

The answer is simply “NO” The last line of the riddle is “Can you guess the riddle?” and you cant answer the riddle so the answer is “NO”

Answer #22

well it says “can you guess the riddle?” of course you can GUESS the riddle you might not necessarily guess it correctly, but of course you can bloody guess it!! therefore every answer is right

Answer #23

haha, i like the flour one, made me laugh rrggh, why do people have to put across their profound reasons for thinking it’s ‘no’ about 50 times??? we get the message it’s just a stupid answer, sorry. does anyone know the real answer? as in, confirmed by the person who made it, not what you think it is

Answer #24

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #25

The trick to this is to read it clearly. Remember- always read things word for word for what they are asking.

The final line says “Can you guess the riddle?”

It doesn’t say “What is the answer to the riddle?”

So, the riddle (by definition) is the riddle itself.

Answer #26

pressure has nothing to do with why polar bears fur is white. that has to do with melanin and pigment of the skin and hair. white would be the reason they need less melanin due to the lack of sunshine as they need a light color to absorb the vitamin d from the UV lights of the sun. pressure is rulled out

Answer #27

turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop.

Answer #28

this is easy… its not saying… hey what makes polar bears white… or what am I… blah blah blah… its asking a question. Can You Guess This Riddle?

And The Answer Is NO! I Can Not Answer This Riddle Because There Is No Riddle To Be Answered.

Answer #29

The answer to the riddle is “NO”. have you guys ever looked at the very last line of the riddle. the answer is no because you cant find one answer that makes perfect snese

Answer #30

Yep I saw something about it being pressure too. But It doesn’t make total sense either.

Answer #31

The answer is not time or pressure, they don’t make any sense and 84% of kindergartens are not gonna guess pressure cuz the pressures of the north pole… how how the heck does time make you pop if you look at it?? The only answer I found that makes any sense at all is “no” cuz the last line says can you answer this riddle? The answer is no i guess.. I was hoping for a better answer then that cuz “no” is really lame and im kinda mad i wasted my time on this… its a stupid riddle.

Answer #32

My last entry on this topic.. I love a good, friendly debate :) I came across this article:

Anyway, I say the answer to “Can you answer this riddle?” is “No,” and most of you seem to agree with me. However, many of you had ideas including light, heat, God, parents and, oddly, sugar. The two most popular alternative answers were pressure and time. As one of you explained: “Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat. Pressure makes you cry if it’s too much. Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee. Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair. Celebrities usually crack under pressure. Many normal people will shine under pressure. Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat. Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared. If you squeeze something under pressure, bam, there it goes. If you are ‘looking’ at pressure, you’re in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.” That’s kind of a stretch if you ask me. Several of you argued for time and said that answer is based on this poem: “The time has come, winter is here and those yellow bears disappear. /The time has past as man looks back with a sigh and a tear in his eye. /As time is held boys cross their legs but of course the toilet begs. /As time marches on girls loose their blush and swap a comb for their brush. /As time passes for those held high their end is nigh. /As time catches up everyone is equal when we get to the final sequel. /As time turns without it we have flour and water. With it we have breakfast for my daughter. /As time revolves how does one turn water and wine into something so fine?/As time runs out the more in a minute you try and squeeze the less you can do with ease./As time ticks all the time that has past man cannot comprehend something so vast.” I still say it’s “No,” but that poem does make a strong case for “time.” It certainly makes more sense than sugar.

Back to me.. I personally still think it’s “Yes” rather than “No” because we’ve all made and argued over several guesses- so we can all definitely guess the riddle, we just don’t know if any of our answers really explain all the lines in the riddle. Again, kindergartners would not be familiar with the poem, so “time” is out, in my opinion- same reasoning for pressure, light, heat, etc.. I also don’t think kindergartners would answer, “No”. Kids have an amazing belief in their abilities to do things, a sort of self confidence that we unfortunately lose as we grow older- so they would more likely say that, “Yes” they can guess the riddle and probably offer up a lot of silly and, at times, even amazingly intuitive answers- as we have all done. Harvard students, on the other hand, wouldn’t just simply answer “Yes”, as I believe the author intended- they would give all the complicated explanations, as we’ve all done. Riddles usually make people think much more than they’re supposed to and the answers usually end up being quite simplistic. It’s been fun. I’ll enjoy reading your responses.

Answer #33

Hmm- polar bears aren’t actually white; their fur/hair is actually clear tubes. THey look white because of the way light hits it. So the answer is probably related to light.

Answer #34

I agree with most people on this page…. the answer is simply no. If I asked my brother that’s in second grade this he would just say no… Kindergardeners would just say no, but stubborn college students at one of the smartestt(if not the smartest) colleges in the US. College students would search for the answer that wasn’t there. Thanks!!!

Answer #35

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #36

because of the last line the and the statistics the answer must be YES. because you can guess the riddle and thats what it is asking. even though time and pressure andtime are really good answers.

Answer #37

the answer is yes because if ur saying u cant answer it then u technically did. get it?? lol

Answer #38

The answer is “no”. Look at the last line….

Answer #39

no because the last sentence says can u answer the riddle

Answer #40

Well, “no” or “yes” i suppose but nothing too technical

Answer #41

the answer is ‘NO’

Answer #42

ok kindergarten kids aren’t going to think that hard about as hard of a question as this. the answer is simply no.. get it, got it, good

Answer #43


Answer #44

clever, but it doesn’t make much sense

Answer #45

neither time nor, nor god nor even pressure..the answer is no..think like a kid..its not yes..its no..

if it had an answer, the last line of a riddle is “who or what am I?” not can you guess this riddle?

Answer #46

the sun

Answer #47

the answer is simply ‘NO’. the part of the riddle everyone forgets is the part where it says “91% of Harvard students could not give the corrcet answer but 84% of kindergarten students gave the answer in 6 minutes or less.” They simply answered NO.

Answer #48

I’ve checked for the answer to this riddle.

Few seem to know.

BUT I did find this answer to be it…

Don’t read if you don’t want to know ;)

…The answer is


The time has come, winter is here and those yellow bears disapear. (…I turn polar bears white )

The time has past as man looks back with a sigh and a tear in his eye. (…and I will make you cry.)

As time is held boys cross their legs but of course the toilet begs (…I make guys have to pee)

As time marches on Girls loose their blush and swap a comb for their brush (…and girls comb their hair.)

As time passes For those held high their end is nigh (…I make celebrities look stupid )

As time catches up Everyone is equal when we get to the final sequal (…and normal people look like celebrities.)

As time turns Without it we have flour and water With it we have breakfast for my daughter (…I turn pancakes brown )

As time revolves How does one turn water and wine into something so fine )…and make your champane bubble.)

As time runs out The more in a minute you try and squeeze the less you can do with ease. (…If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. )

As time ticks All the time that has past man cannot comprehand something so vast. (…If you look at me, you’ll pop. )

Time is the answer :)

Answer #49

It’s got to be pressure.

Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.

Pressure makes you cry if it’s too much.

Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.

Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair…Otherwise we wouldn’t bother!

Celebrities usually crack under pressure.

Many normal people will shine under pressure.

Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.

Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.

If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.

If you are “looking” at pressure, you’re in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.

this is what I found that someone posted on yahoo answers

Answer #50

OK here is the definate answer and if you beg to differ thik about it before you make stupid effin posts:


Answer #51

ok.. I have read most of these answers people have come up with and what it all comes down to is the final question.. people say it is “Can you guess the riddle?” others say it’s “Can you guess the correct answer?” and others say it’s “Can you answer the riddle?” but I have heard people say that the question is not part of the riddle?? so it all depends on what the actual riddle is. but the only person who would know that is who originally wrote it.. so does anyone know him or her? yeah I didnt think so.. so pick your version, decide on your answer, and you’ll be fine. and to all the people calling other people stupid for their answer: who the hell are you to call their answer stupid?? but I do think some people are thinking too much into it haha.. riddles are suposed to be fun and make you think, this one has deffinately accomplished the making people think part; but as for the fun part, I see a lot of people taking it too seriously.. “Don’t take life to seriously. You’ll never get out alive.” - Van Wilder haha

Answer #52

polar bears aren’t white because of pressure. they are white because its cold in the north pole! a polar bears hair is hollow and translucent. so from a far distance it appears to be white. and id like to change my answer. i think ‘yes’ makes more sense than ‘no’ because its true wat Kaypauld said about a kindergartener’s confidence.

Answer #53

Alright guys look,

the no and the yes theory are by far ignorant people who give up, no1 makes a riddle with the answer no. why would he go through all that trouble. its like asking “can you guess my current location?” .. is that a riddle NOO its a question..theres a difference..so get real.

my next point

ur salt and ur pressure theories are very brilliant, and thats their flaw.. if you average joes can guess salt and pressure dont u think harvard students could too. EXACTLY. so we need to get basic here. The sites say the harvard students couldn get it but kindergartners could. so think simple not smart. do you think kindergartners have the slightes clue wat pressure or salt do..doubtful..

I’m 15 and i have two simple guesses. You make wat you want of it.

My first guess is your eyes.. you see all these colors with your eyes and girls comb their hair to make it LOOK good. pancakes are brown and polar bears white because you SEE them that way. if you were a dog pancakes would be gray.

Celebrities LOOK stupid, makup makes girls LOOK like celebrities.

the part that stumps me is how does looking at your eyes make them pop, squeezing them might though.

my other guesses are also just dumb theories but something a kindergartner would say

  1. god
  2. the sun
  3. hair (which is logical except for the pee, the pancakes, and the pops)
  4. heat
  5. Chuck Norris (jk)
  6. water (except the pop
Answer #54

the last line of the riddle is suppose to be Can you solve this riddle? not can you guess so that would make no the correct answer, because there is no answer

Answer #55

I turn Polar Bears white And I will make you cry I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #56

i think the answer is flour.

Polar bears arent actually white, they just roll around in flour everytime they are about ready to be seen by a human. duh.

If you get flour in your eye you will probably cry moron. not me. i have a glass eye.

When it comes down to it, anything makes guys pee. especially yeasty breads that contain flour.. i read it somewhere.

I once dropped a whole container of bread flour on a girls head. she combed it out.

Three ways flour can make a celebrity look stupid.

   1. They are covered in flour
   2. They eat a lot of food with flour in it and get fat.
   3. They decide to do a flour commercial.

If the celebrity opted for the first option to make them look stupid…then it wouldnt be hard for a normal human to look the same. Although a close critic could tell the difference. between the expensive organic flour that celebrities use and the flour that everyone else uses. This one is a tough call.

Pancakes….Flour….need i say more

I substitute baking soda for flour on this next one(im allowed to do that i checked) Baking soda in champagne makes the cool volcano things.

scientific fact: if you have a ziploc with flour in it and squeeze, it will pop

scientific fact: if you look at flour you will pop…i warn you not to try.

can you guess the riddle? yes, in fact i can.

where’s my prize??

Answer #57

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #58

Everything takes time no matter what it is. So it could be time. And as for all of you guys saying that the answer is NO, that’s kind of stupid because, everybody can GUESS A RIDDLE, whether they’re right or not is two different things. but everybody can guess, so if you were looking at it from that aspect the answer would be yes. Everybody’s mind works in different ways, maybe the answer is that there is no answer, because we were all blessed with our own perceptions.

Answer #59

Wow. So many people can have so varying takes on this complex riddle

My answer is “A Famous Author”.

I turn polar bears white - Authors descriptive details

And I will make you cry. - sentimental aka sappy tale

I make guys have to pee - Tom Sawyer takes a leak on a fence

And girls comb their hair. - Little Red Riding Hood combs her hair

I make celebrities look stupid - Ever read GLOBE magazine?

And normal people look like celebrities. - Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

I turn pancakes brown - Cooking some southern cuisine Ellie May?

And make your champagne bubble. - An expensive dinner party scene

If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. - You don’t want to squeeze a famous author..

If you look at me, you’ll pop. - A slang term for “get excited at the sight of” is “pop”. Ask any die hard professional wrestling fan.

Can you guess the riddle? I don’t believe that the harvard/kindergarten statistic is correct. Come on people. Don’t believe everything you read. Especially Statistics that don’t have any evidence to support them.

A Famous Author is my answer. Though I bet someone will dispute.

Answer #60

Sorry, forgot something. And for people who get mad that I say no. The riddle is.

“I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the correct answer?”

That’s the version I’ve seen anyways.

Answer #61

the answer can’t be no, the last line, can you answer the riddle. if you answer it with no, you’ve just given the answer! so it must be yes. can you answer the riddle? yes.

Answer #62

obviously the basic idea behind a riddle is that you are to guess the something or someone being spoken of. Answering yes or no does not solve the riddle. Answering “yes” does not solve the riddle, because answering “yes” is just your affirming that you can solve the riddle; it is not solving the riddle. Answering “no” is just you affirming that you cannot solve the riddle. How would that be solving the riddle? You still have not told us what can do all of those things. Unless the word “no” or “yes” can turn a polar bear white or do all of those other things then you have not solved the riddle.

Answer #63


Answer #64

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

i think the answer is NO. look at the last line of the riddle. it doesnt ask anything but whether or not you can guess the riddle

Answer #65

One last note.. most riddles end by posing the question, “What am I?” or “Who am I?”– this one doesn’t. The question is, “Can you guess the riddle?” and that’s what you should be answering- not what or who it’s about.

Answer #66

Quick note on all this, Polar Bears don’t have white fur. Their fur is no colour, it is transparent (see through) it has no colour. Polar bears look white because of the way their fur reflects visible light. Of course, looking white helps a polar bear blend right into the ice and snow.

 A polar bear’s fur also keeps it warm. The hairs trap heat, sending it to the skin (which is black). Just how good is a polar bear’s coat at trapping heat? In the past, scientists tried to keep an eye on polar bears using infrared cameras (cameras that photograph “heat”). But polar bears lose so little heat, the infrared cameras could not detect them. Now those are truly solar polar bears!.

As to the riddle, I have to agree with Time and poetry, No’s too boring an answer

Answer #67

Ok to all the people saying the answer is yes. When you read the riddle you must assume that all of the riddle written is a part of the riddle. You must also take into account that all the information given is true. Whether it is or not. Now honestly if 84 percent of kindergarden students answered as the author intended. We can sit here and say well since the TECHNICAL MEANING of guess is making a guess at something we could say yes. BUT do you honestly think a kindergarden student would think that much into the meaning of the word guess? Jesus christ people. I mean its great that you dig deep into the english language to come out with an answer but kindergarden students wouldnt and they got it right. They would say no. because all they hear in a riddle is statements. At the end of the statements they hear a question. They have learned and usualy do not stray from the thought that you answer questions. They would not answer a statement. The only question is can you guess the riddle?. and since they would not know the true meaning of guess and apply it. They would simply say “no” most likeley giggling and looking at their friends as they said it. Damn take psycology courses people

Answer #68

ok, so with the assumption that the last line is “can you guess the riddle” then the answer has to be no, at least for me, for i have no idea how in the bloody hell to guess a riddle. however, if the last line is “can you guess the correct answer” then the answer is yes. i don’t know about you, but given the chance i can guess the correct answer to anything.. the odds of it aren’t great, but i can still do it. now if they change the last line to “what am i” i’m gonna go with time. so with the answer capable of being “yes” “no” or “time” i guess just pay attention to the last line when someone poses this riddle

Answer #69

whoever wrote that about the other riddle is wrong

‘What is greater the God? More evil then the devil? Rich people need it Poor people have it And if you eat it, you’ll die.

answer is “nothing” n thats an old, simple one if i must say so myself (thnx for others hu said this too! =)

and this other one is stupid lol answer with “no” or “time”. id probably say time, but only if that poem thingi is true n i cbf researching it.. i dont really think it ever had an answer… but woteva floats ur boat ppl

Answer #70

How about WATER? See, water could wash the bear and make him white, it comes out of your eyes when you cry, makes guys pee when they drink too much of it, the humidity makes girls hair frizzy and hard to manage… I am probably wrong since I don’t see how it could fit the rest of the riddle, but anyway I thought I would give it a shot. :-)

Answer #71

i think its coke because:

i turn polar bears white (Meaning of the commercials with the polar bears) And I will make you cry. (too much gas in coke) I make guys have to pee (because coke is a liquid) And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid (celebrities look stupid in the coke commercials) And normal people look like celebrities. (in the commercials they have all these effects making it look like the normal people are stars) I turn pancakes brown (because of all the acid in it) And make your champane bubble. (if u put coke in champagne it will bubble) If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. (if u squeeze a coke bottle it will pop) If you look at me, you’ll pop. (saying people want it once putting eyes upon it) Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #72

: I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #73

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #74

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #75

It turn polar bears white, and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee, and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid, and normal people look like celebrities. It urn pancakes brown, and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me I will pop. If you look at me you’ll pop

Answer #76

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #77

“God “ would be too simple an answer.

If you answer “No” to the last line then the answer should be “yes”, right? “can you find the answer?” “No” and if “no” is the answer tehn we have just found it and that would make teh answer “yes”

Now, I hope you’re more confused than you were before. cheers, Pete

Answer #78

I say the answer is GOD….GOD can do all those things. I turn polar bears white (GOD) and I will make you cry. (GOD) I make guys have to pee (GOD) and girls comb their hair. (GOD) I make celebrities look stupid (GOD) and normal people look like celebrities. (GOD) I turn pancakes brown (GOD) and make your champane bubble. (GOD) If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. (GOD) If you look at me, you’ll pop. (GOD) Can you guess the riddle? YES

The answer can’t be no cause you can guess the riddle. So I think the answer is either YES or YES and GOD because without GOD none of these things would exist.

Answer #79

This cracks me up.

There is no answer. this was a social experiment set up by Harvard university to see how people interact to find an answer to a problem that seemingly does not have an answer.

So by default there is no answer

Answer #80

turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, But 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out, In 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the riddle? Just repost this bulletin with the title; “The World’s Hardest Riddle”, And then check your inbox. You’ll get a message, with the correct answer in it. AND TRUST ME; IT WAS THE MOST SIMPLEST THING YOU WOULDNT HAVE GUESS

Answer #81

turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #82

THE ANSWER IS NO! The question is “Can you guess the riddle?” the answer is no, you cannot guess the riddle. that’s what makes it so hard… it’s so simple!

By the way, polar bears only have hite fur. their skin is black to absorb the heat. The white doesn’t absorb the heat.

‘What is greater the God? Worse then the devil? Rich people want it And poor people have it And if you eat it, you will die.’

This is how it really goes ^ You need to write it the right way first.


Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is worse than the devil. Rich people want nothing Poor people have nothing, And if you eat nothing, you will die.

Answer #83

I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown And make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #84

I understand that “NO” makes sense because that is what the children most likely said. But if you look at the question in the riddle… “Can you guess the riddle?” to me the answer would be “YES” … of course you can guess it, but you may be wrong. Guesses aren’t always right, that’s what makes them a guess.

Answer #85

i turn polar bears white—POLAR BEARS ARE ALREADY WHITE And I will make you cry.—A PUNCH IN THE FACE PERHAPS? I make guys have to pee—TOO MUCH FLUID And girls comb their hair.—-ANYWAY I make celebrities look stupid—-THE MIRROR And normal people look like celebrities.—AN AMUSEMENT PARK MIRROR I turn pancakes brown——HEAT And make your champane bubble.—CARBONATION If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop.—–A PIMPLE If you look at me, you’ll pop.——-IF YOU LOOK AT A PIMPLE BEING POPPED, YOU WILL VOMIT,HENCE “YOU WILL POP” Can you guess the riddle? THESE ARE A FEW CHOICES FOR THE ANSWER TO AN OTHERWISE UNGUESSABLE ANSWER. HOWEVER I JUST ANSWERED MY WAY, SO IN REAILTY I JUST GAVE YOU THE ANSWER….

Answer #86

The thing that most bothers me is all the different versions I’ve seen they all have “champane” ITS CHAMPAGNE for chirssake… so that leads me to believe that this riddle was never posed to any Harvard graduates on a large scale… which makes me think the answer must be “no”. They just threw the Harvard graduate thing in there to make you see the answer is something simple. Kids are more likely to say no I can’t solve it than would a person in college who would try to analyze everything about it. A kid is not going to know much about champagne; or how air/pressure would fit in all the answers.

NO =)

Answer #87

man, y’all need to quit trying to get a correct answer and trying to find all these scientific solutions about salt water giving buoyancy and stuff like that. “Can you guess the riddle?” the answer is either “yes” or “no.” some riddles also don’t have an answer. They do that to get you to think. Y’all really need to get a grip on this stuff. Y’all are taking this WAY too seriously.

Answer #88

the answer is NO. the question is “can you guess this riddle” and it says that 97% of college students couldnt figure it out and 83% of kindergarten students could. because most kids would just say no, i cant figure it out. but college kids would think about it and try to come up with a logical answer. so the answer to the riddle is “no”.

Answer #89

To bb2761… The answer to either of those riddles is not man. The answer to the “What is greater than God…” riddle is “nothing”- nothing is greater than God, nothing is worse than the devil, rich people need nothing (you worded it wrong), poor people have nothing, and if you eat nothing you will die. As for the “I Turn Polar Bears White…” I’d have to agree with “No” as the answer- riddles typically have a stupid, disappointing answer like that. I’d say that “Time” is definitely a good contender based on the poem a few of you dug up and “Pressure” makes sense as well but based on the info given that 84% of kindergarteners guessed it right, I’ll have to assume that these 5 year olds weren’t familiar with that poem or the term pressure- so “No” has to definitely be the intended answer. No go back to your lives. : )

Answer #90

Some say no and some say pressure but kindergarteners don’t know what pressure is. So it’s definitely no

Answer #91

the answer is “time”

found this somewhere:

The time has come, winter is here and those yellow bears disapear.

The time has past as man looks back with a sigh and a tear in his eye.

As time is held boys cross their legs but of course the toilet begs

As time marches on Girls loose their blush and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes For those held high their end is nigh

As time catches up Everyone is equal when we get to the final sequal

As time turns Without it we have flour and water With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves How does one turn water and wine into something so fine

As time runs out The more in a minute you try and squeeze the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks All the time that has past man cannot comprehand something so vast

Answer #92

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less

Answer #93

The last line of the riddle asks “Can you answer this riddle” instead of the classic “what am I” and the answer is “NO”. 97% of Harvard graduates couldnt figure this riddle out but 84% of kindergarten students answered within six minutes correctly. The reason being is because they read the riddle and answered with a simple “No”.

Answer #94

Hey, I’ve been thinking about this for like, forever. I beleive the answer is “no.” the riddle saysI turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop.

Can you guess the riddle? I believe that a child would look right at you and say “no.” A harvard student, on the otherhand, would look for the answer and say that there was one. This is just my opion, though…

Answer #95

Time makes more sense than any of the other answers that I have come across. I’ve heard water, pressure, nothing, no, yes, carbon dioxide, the sun…..so far time makes the most sense as far as “riddles are concerned. I’ve always hated riddles….they are never quit as satisfying as I’d have them be. I’m always disappointed in the answer.

Answer #96

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

Answer #97

Pressure doesn’t make much sense. Maybe salt? Although its a stretch, too….

Salt water give objects more buoyancy. Polar bears swim all the time. Their hollow clear hair appears white. Its hollow to better maximize the buoyancy of the oceanic salt water. Who has ever gotten salt in their eyes? Yeah… you cry. Pee releases salt… or when you eat something salty you drink a lot more and then have to pee. sweat and oil contain high ammounts of salt which causes hair to become dull, and tangle easier. ever get hair in your mouth when working out… its salty. this is great… when famous people sweat its because they are screwing up and when we sweat its because were working hard. the harder you sweat the harder it seems like youre working.

this is the tricky part… Butter has a high ammount of salt (go lick some) and you have to fry pancakes in butter or margarine. thats why they brown.Fry anything in butter and it browns. the champagne thing is sneaky and I dont think young kids would know this… add salt to champagne and watch it fizz like crazy. hell, add salt or sugar to soda even.. it fizzez like crazy. but then again… i used to mix soda and salt as a kid just to make a mess. squeeze a salt grain and it explodes along its fracture (cleavage) lines if you put salt in your eyes they eventually dry out and erupt because the skin of the retina splits and the inner fluid drains out

Again still a stretch. But if you pay close enough attention to the riddle. The only question they ask is “Can you answer this riddle?” So that’s the only answer you have to give… and it would be “No, I can’t answer this riddle because it has no answer.” So I gave you two answer, one a cop-out, one a stretch. But whatever. Have fun.

Answer #98

Yeah, I agree with you brighteyez but that was the only answer I found for the riddle. Don’t know who the author of it is - guess it doesn’t matter.

Answer #99

its imagination…. your imagination can do anything you want it to… though it may not be real to a little kid imagination is everything

Answer #100

its imagination…. your imagination can do anything you want it to… though it may not be real to a little kid imagination is everything

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