How to let go of him?

I dated this guy for 3 months, he said I got too jealous ( I knda did) and he never said he cared when I asked him all the time so I dumped him but I miss him so much! this other guy likes me but I dont want to go out with him.I miss my boyfriend I want him back I would talk to him but he is never alone!!! what do I do? HELP

Answer #1

uug I am in the exact situation…I dated someone for 4 years and im still not over it although I’ve dated and have gone out w/ other people…my advice is to tell him exactly how you feel and just call him or tell him that when he has time that you need to talk to him.

Answer #2

first off you shouldnt even be having a boy friend you should fix your self. first this is the most important sentence about relationship you will ever hear: RELATIONSHIPS WILL NEVER WORK WITHOUT TRUST!!

if girls are always over your man GETOVER it see it as a compliment if he is a true boy friend ONCE and awhile he will prove it by ignoring them and just being with you.

but you cant expect him to just focus on you sorry but no one is that special you make him sound like you want him to be your maid and cater to you maybe not with stuff but with love and attention which he should give but never 24/7 I hope I helped lol I tried

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