I Can't Go.

OMG!! My crush asked me to the movies for tomorrow!!! I’m so happy about that, but I’m not allowed to go! ;_; I can’t make my dad change his mind! It sounds like I’m just making an excuse for the reason I can’t go, so I don’t want to tell him why but then he’ll think I never wanted to go with him!! what do I do?!

Answer #1

you can either explain to him what happened and if you haven’t lied before he shouldn’t not believe you. the truth is the truth, no matter how unreal is sounds. or, you could lie to your dad & say your going with your girlies :) thats what I used to do when my dad wouldn’t let me date..I felt kind of bad because I was always behind his back doing this & that. but you gotta live a little :) plus, these are the best years of your life! don’t let your dad ruin them!! <3

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