I can't git over her and now I want her back.

so there’s this girl that I was “together” with a few weeks ago. She ended things with me 4 reasons she couldnt explain and she wanted me 2 move on. 1st I tried to stop talking 2 her 2 c if that would help… It only made me miss her more. Then I tried 2 hook up with another girl but I c0ck blocked myself because I was still thinking of my exgirl. Then I talk to her and told her that I was crazy about her and she told me that I just needed 2 hook up with a “rebound girl” 2 git over her. I couldnt do it. I like this girl way 2 much and I know she’s not over me and I want 2 win her back. Any ideas? I was gunna leave flowers and a poem in her locker 4 v-day but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. What should I do?

Answer #1

well…lets start for just being friends with her first talk to her, eat lunch together, hang out at some awsome game place. then on valentines day the flower and poem idea is awsome!! do that then see how she reacts if she just says thnks I really like that or something just keep talking to her a stuff then who nows maybe she might want you back again

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