I am the walrus ?

What was the insperation for ‘I Am the Walrus’ By the beatles? I heard it was An acid attack, I mean, I know they Did acid, I just want to know if it was an acid attack?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Info found:

“I Am the Walrus” is a 1967 song by The Beatles, written by John Lennon and credited to Lennon/McCartney. Lennon claimed he wrote the first two lines on separate acid trips. The song was in the Beatles’ 1967 television film and album Magical Mystery Tour, and was the B-side to the #1 hit “Hello, Goodbye”.

Lennon composed the avant-garde song by combining three songs he had been working on. When he learned that a teacher at his old primary school was having his students analyse Beatles’ lyrics, he added a verse of nonsense words. Music critic Ian MacDonald argued that the song was Lennon’s “final creative high water mark” with the Beatles.

The walrus is a reference to the walrus in Lewis Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter” (from the book Through the Looking-Glass). Lennon expressed dismay that the walrus was the villain in the poem.

Answer #3

Had to of been, half the lyrics in any of thier songs make no sense lol. Them and Bob Dylan were always tripping bawls

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