I am going insane

Hey these days are realy sucks for me, my mom told me that my father is cheating on her and he is trying to have a child with other woman and my friends turn their backs on me and bullying me like crazy at school and my teachers doesnt even care about it, theyre just teaching like a robot what am I supposed to do? I feel like my life is worthless

Answer #1

Firstly, I respect the fact that you’ve admitted to your bullying problem, as it is terrible the amount of times this has happened (and I an assure you, you really aren’t alone) and whoever is being bullied cannot bring themselves to tell anyone. I agree, that a teacher you can trust is your best solution-or there must be someone else you used to confide in, someone out of school or a sibling? If it is name calling then my best advice is to completely ignore it, as hard as that may be, because bullies only look for a reaction. If it is more serious and physical, then I really think you should confide in someone and see if a stop can be put to it. With your parents, as hard as school life is treating you the best thing you can do is just be there for your mum. Like yourself, she is probably feeling very alone too…and in eachother’s company I think you’ll both overcome your problems quicker. Maybe you can tell her about the bullying; she’d probably appreciate knowing and bring you two closer the fact that you’ve confided in her. Good luck

Answer #2

There are always going to be tough times in a person’s life. If your friends turn there backs on you then they really arent friends. Try talkin to the principle if they’re bullying you. you just have to be strong and take what life throws at you. as for your parents there not much you can do. your mother and father have to settle there differences and problems themselves.

Answer #3

first of all I would tell a teacher you can trust about the bullying and then find some REAL friends. im not sure what to do about your dad… it happens a lot though so you arent alone

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