I am christian and I want to revert to Islam

Im a christian that is very well informed about christianity and islam and recently I have this feeling that God is calling me to Islam. I first learned about islam by my close friend that I met at school. I told my mother of my intentions to revert but she insists that im being influenced because of my friend but I assured her that im not. What should I do?

Answer #1

ok, follow your heart and I wouldnt listen to ‘ ilovemyboyfriend4lyf ‘ she dont know everything! and in islam it is forbidden to have boyfriends so she shoudlnt even have one in the first place…so, so much for knowing what about actions?

but any ways that was just so you can see, I am a muslim and I’ll tell yu that islam is teh fastest growing religion in the world! so …but if you do want to follow it please ask me for more info and I’ll give you what ever you need …happy to help! and your parents cant stop you from believing, thats something they dont have control over so …dont worry just follow your heart and if as you say GOD is calling you then take the chance with both arms because god is calling you to islam and that is a great gift! when you get to know it! ::)

Answer #2

Hey I’m Muslim if you want any help I’m a Muslim and I know everything about it

Answer #3

I believe you mean convert not revert. That implies that you used to be Muslim. Go with your heart.

Answer #4

Yes, I used the term ‘’revert’’ because it is said that everyone is born muslim but deverge from that path.

Answer #5

There are even mentions of Jesus in the Bible as a prophet.

Answer #6

follow your heart. Cliche but true.

Answer #7

I believe that we are all born as atheists.

Answer #8

Sorry it’s called

Answer #9

Eternallife, In the Holy Bible, it is mentionned many times that Jesus went to pray to his Lord, God. your story just doesnt stick…

Answer #10

God is the creator, why would he come down to his creation as a human? .. it makes no sense.. Jesus is not God… it cant be any clearer..

Answer #11

To all his or her opinion, I have my beliefs and you have yours. Lets leave it at that.

And by the way I do not know if you are christian or not, but in Christianity, Jesus is the SON of God. and not God himself.

Answer #12

Eternal life honestly I think you’re the one that needs to learn more about christianity. And for your information in the Quran, God confirms that he sent the Torah to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus. You can choose not to believe it but dont tell me its wrong.

There are many contreversies about Jesus, whether he was a prophet or the son of God.. but never did anyone say that he is God himself.. this has to be clear.

Answer #13

Oh Mashallah! That is wonderful :) I am a Muslim and I find it wonderful when people want to convert/revert to Islam. It is beautiful. And Bluen: GOD IS ALLAH! OMG! ALLAH IS THE ARABIC WORD FOR GOD! In the ARABIC CHRISTIAN BIBLE, God is also ALLAH! IT IS NOT A DIFFERENT GOD!!! SAME GOD, SAME PROPHETS, as they are both Semitic religions. Only Difference is Muhammad (pbuh) is a Prophet in the Quran and Muhammad (pbuh) was mentioned as COMING in later years in the Bible by other Prophets and Messengers. . .


Answer #14

First of you have not addressed any of the issues that I have raised. Then you have some wrong information that you have bought into.

First of All Jesus is not God, it is not written anywhere, not even in the Bible.*

That Jesus is God is true and it is written everywhere in the Bible. And as I have said there are still a lot more you need to know about Christianity even though you claim to have a good knowledge already.

Second of the Bible has been changed many times since its original copies, so the message is said to be changed by men.*

That is a wrong accusation and there is no basis for this. If there is proper basis for this accusation against the Bible which freely use I would like to see it.

The Quran just states that fact, it the words of God dictated by the angel Gabriel to prophet Mohammad s.a.w.

How do you trust this?

God sent the Torah to Moses and The Gospol to Jesus.

True God appointed Moses to write and compile the Torah. But Gospel was not revealed to Jesus. That Jesus is the savior is the Gospel. Jesus never wrote anything. Other people wrote about him.

The Quran is said to be the final revelation to clear all mistakes from the past.

Who says that? If it is the Quran itself that says this then that is circular reasoning.

Answer #15

okay you need to actually realize what the islam religion is. first you have to remember there are certain things you cant eat. And instead of the bible that you have had all your life you will be using the quaran(koran), which is basically the muslim bible. And what you call god isnt going to b god anymore he/she is going to be Allah. And chances are where you are there are not very many if any muslim mosque(equivelent to a christian church) around at all. so you may b doing most of the religion on your own or with a very small group of people. but most importantly follow your heart dont listen to whateveryone else says that are saying come on buddha come on stay christian and all that. and for the fact I’m an atheist so I’m not trying to pull you anyway I’m just informing you on the islamic cons to christianity.

Answer #16

well alsong as your friend didint pressure you. than just do what you feel is rigt. but also, if your gunna do it, do it right. and be committed. dont just convert to convert. well its all up to you.

Answer #17

seb2121 I would like to know where it says that everyone is born muslim but deverges from that path.

People say that the Bible is mythology and fiction. If that is what they call the Holy Bible, then the Koran is a far better candidate for being called a mythology and fiction. The Koran was written in 610- 653 AD by a man who claim that an angel had dictated it to him. Then here are some questions that come to mind

  1. The Biblical account of Abraham and his sacrifice was written around 1200 BC and the Koranic account was written around 610 -653 AD. Why should one reject an account that is written more closer to the time of Abraham than one that was written thousands of years later?

  2. Why should one believe the account on one man as against the account of 40 different people?

  3. What is the basis to trust one man about his vision? How do we know if he really saw is true especially when there is differences between what he says and what ancient records state?

  4. Mohamed say’s Jesus is a prophet but around 8 different authors say that Jesus is God. What is the basis of accepting that one man’s account and rejecting 8 other people’s when all of them make the same claim of seeing angels?

Answer #18

I agree with afilover4life.

To me religion should be something that benefits YOU. and if converting will do that, then convert.

Answer #19

First of All Jesus is not God, it is not written anywhere, not even in the Bible. Second of the Bible has been changed many times since its original copies, so the message is said to be changed by men. The Quran just states that fact, it the words of God dictated by the angel Gabriel to prophet Mohammad s.a.w. God sent the Torah to Moses and The Gospol to Jesus. The Quran is said to be the final revelation to clear all mistakes from the past.

Answer #20

Do research, get to really know everything about islam, if you like what you see confront your mother again, and dont argue or whine

Answer #21

Here is a link that will show you in what verses the Bible says clearly that Jesus is God.


And the bible isn’t? The bible has numerous authors…

Bible is a collection different books as a result has many authors. That does not make the Bible untrustworthy.

Answer #22

*My question about Quran was how is it trustworthy. The Quran does not have proper manuscripts. It is various peoples variant record of one man’s supposed vision.

And the bible isn’t? The bible has numerous authors…

Answer #23

I did read the Bible, I did not find an answer, in the Bible Jesus is the son of God, and not God himself. Explain to me why Jesus prayed to God, our Lord.

Answer #24

And by the way I do not know if you are christian or not, but in Christianity, Jesus is the SON of God. and not God himself.

All Christianity believes that Jesus is God and that is what is said in the entire Bible. There are very few denominations in Christianity that does not believe that Jesus is God.

And for your information in the Quran, God confirms that he sent the Torah to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus.

My question about Quran was how is it trustworthy. The Quran does not have proper manuscripts. It is various peoples variant record of one man’s supposed vision.

You can choose not to believe it but dont tell me its wrong.

After saying this in the very next line you are telling me that the Bible is wrong about Jesus.

God is the creator, why would he come down to his creation as a human?

Reading the Bible only will give you the answer to this question.

Answer #25

i focus on number 8

it really surprised iam 17 and never saw a question bein asked by an adult !!

you compare mohammed as a prphet to authors!!!! normal people??? if mohammed s.a.w was a normal person like authors then we have no reason to believe him as a prphet is he was just a normal perosn like authors that you mention okay I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO STOP BELIEVING IN PROPHET … dont say things without eviedence thanks

Answer #26

the Bible changed many times you are wasting your time you better focus on another thing in life than religion and ruining your brain

Answer #27

what is your question?? can i know?? whenever i see your questions i find nothing you have QUESTIONS TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE NOT BELIEVE IN GOD AND MOHAMMED you ask questions then you answer them by yourself religion is a matter of faith so leave people alone decide what religion they choose remember one day you will die and you will be regret for what you are saying here and thinking about you can have your own religion but still respect other religions ….

Answer #28

Second of the Bible has been changed many times since its original copies, so the message is said to be changed by men.*

That is a wrong accusation and there is no basis for this. If there is proper basis for this accusation against the Bible which freely use I would like to see it.

my answer is HOW OLD ARE YOU?? 100000 YEAR OLD? the bible and religion thing is made about thousands years ago ! what you wanna know? your questions and answers are making me lose faith in humanity.

The Quran just states that fact, it the words of God dictated by the angel Gabriel to prophet Mohammad s.a.w.*

How do you trust this?

God send Gospol to jesus christ how do you trust?

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