I Abhor Myself

Some days I feel fine,some days I feel like killing myself. Let’s focus on the second one. That’s how I feel today. My mom was going to take me to the mall,then Wal-Mart,but I decided against it. I don’t want to go because I think I’m too unattractive. Across the street from Wal-Mart is Raffles,a place where they can wax my eyebrows. I’ve really wanted to get my eyebrows done because they look sooo bad right now,but I’m too ashamed of myself. Also,due to stupid Smooth Away,I have two cut-like marks on my upper lip,which is also bothering me. Again,I really really want to go,because I’ve been waiting to go since last week. What should I do? And how can I boost my confidence?

Answer #1

why not ask your mom if you could go to Raffles first and then go to the mall. maybe you can add a bit of makeup over the cuts to reduce redness or something. if anyone asks, you got in a bar fight.(: what I tell myself is that it’s just for right now, and by next week I’ll be back to normal. and even if I look so horrible right now, who cares! another funny picture for my photo album (:

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