Humane and effective cobra trap

I have a very large cobra snake around my home and I would be grateful for some advice on how to catch it. Could you recommend a trap design that will catch and not kill a cobra snake?

Appreciate your assistance


Answer #1

seao2florida, where’s Anwar in Indonesia? I tried looking for it on a map and Googling it but I couldn’t find it. Must be a really small village?

Anyway, I’m pretty sure if you ask around, your neighbors might know a local snake catcher. Pretty sure someone will know someone if it’s a small place. I tried Googling for snake catchers and animal control in Indonesia in English and Indonesian, but it didn’t come up with anything substantial. I hope you identified it correctly as a cobra.

I found a US website that sells humane snake traps (pretty much special glue in a cardboard box):

And if you live near Jakarta, maybe you can ask these guys:

Also check out this link on guides on how to remove snakes depending on the situation:

Lastly, after you get rid of the snake, it’s best you prevent it from happening again by using snake repellents like sulphur. Oh, and it’s good to have pet cats so they can catch any mice around that might be attracting the snakes.

Answer #2

two ways to catch a snake with a snakehook (great cause you dont have to get to close to a potentially dangerous one) We use em for the big rattle snakes up here transported in a double knotted pillowcase,Snakes are usually not too terrible agressive if your not threatining them do it first thing in the morning while its sill cool and snakes are sluggish(I have a small python and a boa constrictor as pets) or another method that works for lost pets is a rabbit or other prey item in a small dark box with a hole cut in it, snake goes in to it finds a meal and a nice dark place to digest it, close the hole and cart the box off somewhere safer

Answer #3

Ah I see, thank you for enlightening me :) The bait trap sounds like a good harmless plan at the moment.. but do ask around too - it’s probably not the first snake problem around your area.

Answer #4

DON’T catch it yourself if you have no knowledge about snake behavior. Call a professional snake catcher, or the Fire Rescue Department. They will catch it in a humane manner and either release it in its normal habitat or find a specialized enclosure for it like the Zoo.

Answer #5

Anwar is on the coast - Northwest end of the Island of Java about 3 hours outside of Jakarta. And thanks for the advise. This definitely is a Cobra, and I would guess 7 feet or more and appears far too small for the cardboard snake traps I saw on line. He never flared but I’ve seen Cobras in the wild here before and he or she - I’m not that good, is. Not sure I’d want to do the snake hook thing. “Man’s got to know when to hold and when to fold” or the other one - “Man’s got to know his limitations..”

I was thinking of doing a mesh wire trap with a funnel opening high in the top, and long enough he’d have to get much of his body into it and not be able to “back” out, if Cobra’s have a reverse. And use a rat or healthy mouse as bait at the other end away from the hole.

Answer #6

Sorry pals, if I were in the United States, I’d agree with you. I should have stated this is in Anwar, Indonesia. The local fire brigade is 4 neighbors with buckets, the only wildlife people here are poachers and they are tough to advertise for. I’m old, but not quite stupid. It will be trapped humanely and I will put it to sleep with ether or other suggestions from hopefully herpetologists (professional or amateur if that’s all I get) that might be here on line. It will then be moved to an uninhabited area away from my home.

Thanks for your concern and suggestions though.

Answer #7

Ditto to Ty and Mysterywolf…doesn’t sound like a job for ameteurs…


Answer #8

I’d kill that thing so fast you dont even know

Answer #9

Ok, uhm how about you not try and catch a potentially deadly animal on your own and call up animal control?

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