How to you believe we as the human race came to be?

(please don’t criticize others opinions, I’m just curious)

Answer #1

I’m not sure how, but I know we just didn’t appear one day

Answer #2

Oooops meant didn’t just appear one day

Answer #3

I believe in the Bible and what it says, although, I have to admit that Science and Evolution gives me a lot to think about.

Answer #4

As of now the theory i most agree with is evolution, it makes much more sense than some man in the sky making us and just putting us here. Just like any theory however, its not 100 percent proven, but there are way more facts and evidence backing evolution rather than creation.

Answer #5

big bang?

Answer #6

I don’t know - but I want one! - A human race of my own kind, in my image! :P

Answer #7


Answer #8

Evolution. The whole “Christian God made us thing” doesn’t make any logical sense considering that their is a pile of Gods/religion far far older than him. Heck, the bible admits that their were other Gods and other people that were not the offspring of Adam and Eve (Which contradicts the theroy that the Christian God made everything) . I think science has done a fantasic job proving we evolved.

Answer #9

i belive that evolution had a lil to do with it. But i believe God started it. God made evolution how it is. So that scientist can prove stuff and we have free will. if God was proven by scientists then all would believe nd its supposed to be about faith

Answer #10

maybe or a falling rock into mud? haha Or maybe there is someone out there who just happens to be smart enough to create a human dumb enough to not get it. :P

Answer #11

evolution is how God made it. God started it and evolution is finishing it. Just how he planned. If he was proven to be real then everyone would believe nd its about faith. Dont fall into the trap. Dont lose faith. like this lady

Answer #12

I personally slipped out of a dark tunnel… a while after these two people loved on each other. :P

Answer #13

i believe in the evolution theory somewhat. it may sound dumb but think about it: why arent there any monkey-humans still around? evolution from monkeys couldnt just have stopped all of the sudden. ALTHOUGH, being that monkeys have 7x the human strength, maybe those cross-betweens were the ones responsible for Stonehenge and stuff like that. and they got killed off eventually. Bigfoot could be one. haha. there is still nothing that proves the Big Bang. and what caused the Great Flood. they just recently found the remains of Noah’s Ark.

Answer #14

There is nothing to BELIEVE about it. We know exactly how we came to be. We evolved from lower life forms. Every single form of life on the planet evolved from single celled organisms that first appeared on earth 3.8 billion years ago. This is a fact that science has proven. Those who claim it is only a theory do not understand the science. The theory of evolution refers to the mechanism of how it happens, not if it happens. There is absolutely no doubt that it happens.

Answer #15

You do not understand how evolution works. It happens over very long periods of time with very small changes. And we did not evolve from monkeys. Humans, apes & monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. Evolution has not stopped. It is not something observable other than through fossil records.

Answer #16

sorry to get into your opinion here which your entitled to have 100% and I don’t say that your wrong but I will say that it offends me that you said as I quote “it makes much more sense than some man in the sky making us and just putting us here.” if you don’t believe that , thats fine thats what you believe that its not true and I cant make you change your mind or tell you No its not like that , but I do ask for a little respect for those who do believe aka like me <~ and that mans name is God :)

Answer #17

@Angel is right … but its not an arguing point here . either you believe or don’t I cant make you believe thats up to you .. but I guess well have to wait till we die to see if its true or not … but I wont take my chances of not believing because I not it I was proven that god is real and that he is here with you I use to doubt it to but like I said thats what I believe but I know hes real !

Answer #18

I believe God made us the way the bible says it , he created the heavens and the earth God said “let there be man in our image according to our likeness, let them have domination over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every creeping thing that creeps on earth” so god created man in his own image ; in the image of god he created him ; male and female he created them … and I assume you guys are all aware of the story of how he made them . like the man was made from dirt and the women made out of the mans rib <~ if I said that wrong sorry I only know how to say it in Spanish and assume that thats how you say it in English “rib” ? O.o

Answer #19

Oh but if you give her that right to her opinion, why tweak with it? That’s not fair either, and I also think your imposing on her as well. That’s a double unfairness.

Answer #20

*dust oops c(=

Answer #21

no she is disrespecting my leader ! so I wont accept that .. simple as that … she doesn’t want to believe like I said thats her she doesn’t have to but I am .. and I’m offended when she says that some man from the sky made us … doesn’t sound right … I just want a little respect for the God that made us …. me ….

Answer #22

Your religion disrespects her all the time, why don’t you at least be more considerate with her; she’s being condemned to hell, maybe has no chance at being forgiven, and not only that, has to take an imposition from you? A man from the sky is nothing, I’ve seen far worse being spewed. If you and your God want respect, set an example for it. “reap what you sow.”

Answer #23

Ruby, you can not force someone to have reverence for something they don’t revere. I find it rather insulting that you are asking her to. You can believe what ever you want, but you can’t force others to respect that belief. I find belief in a god just silly. Should I expect everyone who speaks to me about religion to treat it as something silly? Or do I expect them to talk about it in a way that THEY feel about it. And when they do tell me what they think, I don’t get insulted because they are not treating it in the way I think they should.

Answer #24

God forgives everyone plus God judges by whats in your heart so no one knows if they’re going to hell , and no it doesn’t disrespect her do we go around telling people or her hey you believe in evolution well guess what its wrong God is the true reason because of this and if you don’t this you’ll go to hell … no it doesn’t happen like that God knows who he brings and who he sends and he reads the heart of the people to make his choice … want me to be honest? I believe that this Evolution this is BS 100% but I don’t go around saying why should I believe some scientist that don’t know what they’re talking about God is the way to go forget about eveything else God God God no I don’t and neither does any other Christian and if they do then they’re not a good Christian because the people go to god on their own because they want to not because someone told them thats what they should do ! ok ! and believe me God is real he made us thats what us Christians believe thats what we are going to believe until prove not true which is when we die !!!!! and considerate I am I told her I respect what she believes but to respect what I believe and not say stuff like that guy in the sky …. but you decided to go around talking and now I’m being honest I don’t believe in that Evolution crap ! period done end of convo … you want respect for what you believe in this whole Evolution thing then respect what I believe with this God thing … like I try not to be rude and say that Evolution or w.e is wrong so I put it in a nice way and I get bed at and then if I’m honest I still get bed at … its not worth it forget it ! I’m done .. now I’m going to go around and say to you .. l’m letting this in Gods hands good bye :)

Answer #25

P.S I am reaping for what I believe , I speak my mind & I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe .. I’m not ashamed nor afraid to stand up for my leader , if that makes me a bad person then so be it .. thanks :)

Answer #26

@Jiamhi I just want respect for my God I don’t like to hear people talk like that about him it defends me period … what about in schools theres a policy about this … to respect other peoples religous belief & then theres the respect peoples race & a whole bunch of other stuff … its all a matter of respect !

Answer #27

*offends me not defends me oops c(=

Answer #28

Lol very funny

Answer #29

Don’t let they’re disillusions fool you.

Answer #30

This question might be better phrased, “is the theory of evolution accurate or inaccurate?” You are not going to get an honest answer to this question.

Riddle me this: The eye is so ridiculously complex that it is pretty hard to imagine how it could have evolved out of nothing? “Why are there still monkeys/apes?” Why aren’t they still evolving? I don’t see any talking monkey’s or apes. Or even furthering their transformation into human form. What happened to those scientific theories. Creation is so much deeper than evolution & science could ever be.

“Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.” “The eye is an irreducibly complex structure that could not have evolved step-wise.” Find the facts & show me.

“Evolution is just a theory, and theories are guesses.” All of these “arguments” have been destroyed so many times that using them is akin to claiming the Earth is the center of the solar system. Enjoy your thumbs-down, folks…You EARNED them!

Find out more info: [link removed]

Answer #31

This question might be better phrased, “is the theory of evolution accurate or inaccurate?” You are not going to get an honest answer to this question.

Riddle me this: The eye is so ridiculously complex that it is pretty hard to imagine how it could have evolved out of nothing? “Why are there still monkeys/apes?” Why aren’t they still evolving? I don’t see any talking monkey’s or apes. Or even furthering their transformation into human form. What happened to those scientific theories. Creation is so much deeper than evolution & science could ever be.

“Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.” “The eye is an irreducibly complex structure that could not have evolved step-wise.” Find the facts & show me.

“Evolution is just a theory, and theories are guesses.” All of these “arguments” have been destroyed so many times that using them is akin to claiming the Earth is the center of the solar system. Enjoy your thumbs-down, folks…You EARNED them!

Find out more info: [link removed]

Answer #32

Ruby, you do realize that Christianity is not the only religion to believe that a greater force created the human race right? Many religions believe in entities in the heavens with great powers. If she were to have said “God”, then she would have only been including a handful of religions. I’m sure she did not mean to insult you. To tell her that his name is “God” could also be considered an insult to believers of other religions by the implication that only your religious beliefs are “right”.

Answer #33

God made us, of course.

Answer #34

lol hey help me make 100 pts “like” all my comments on my page and I will for you too :P

Answer #35

I definitely believe in evolution, however, I’m sure the atoms came from somewhere. Creation from a higher power? Perhaps. Maybe a higher power is responsible, and it used evolution as a means to actually bring everything into existence. I usually don’t beat my head into a wall thinking about how everything came to be. All I can say is that there is no hardcore proof for any theory or belief. We may never know.

Answer #36

That is so true. The theory of evolution created by Darwin was simply the theory of natural selection. Others had many different theories regarding the way in which it happens. Before he published The origin of species, the idea of evolution had been around for more than 50 years at least.

Answer #37

There are talking apes! I’m one of them

Answer #38

Well I have always thought that if there is a god that created everything it would have been much more impressive if he made it all through a process like evolution.

Here is a simplified example of why I believe this would be better. I use to organize LAN events. Basically I would hire a venue, set up tables, chairs, a network, power and approximately 50 people would bring computers for a weekend. We also had a kitchen selling cold-drinks and various foods. We would organize tournaments with prizes that could be won.

Now the way we did it was that I would be in charge of almost everything with help from others. 3 of us would carry the tables and chairs around and put them in place. 2 people would run the kitchen and everything along with it. 1 person would make sure that the servers work. I organized the tournaments. The people in the kitchen would also be responsible for making sure all entrants paid. I would set up the power and some of the network with some help. Then after the whole weekend we would need to break everything down until next month for the next event. This is how I see God creating and managing the earth without evolution. Basically him making sure everything runs smoothly with angels or whatever helping out where they were needed.

Now if God created the world using evolution then this can be applied in the following way: Basically we start with an empty venue to be used for our events. But instead of bringing our own equipment and setting everything up and doing all the work, we do almost nothing. Just nudge a bit here and there where it is needed. In this way the people bring along their own stuff. Some of the people bring a spare table they have at home. Some others bring spare chairs. Another guy has a switch which he brings. Another has a few network cables and brings those, etc etc, until everything that is needed it there. After a while everything gets a bit old a newer technology is created and the old slower network is bit by bit replaced by a new network. In the same way the power is upgraded and after enough time even the building is improved so that more people can be fit in. And what did the organizer have to do? Almost nothing. He simply set up a system that would allow his vision of the event to happen without too much work from him. Now if God created the world in this way it would impress me much more. For someone to have the vision of what would happen to a world with a few rules and nothing else after a few billion years is amazing.

So if a God created the world, I think he would have used evolution to make it all. It would also answer the question as to why he did not make everything perfect from the start.

Answer #39

your all completely off. Don’t make an compromise with evolution.

Answer #40

Science=knowlege Evolution=pseudoscience. Nothing to worry about.

Answer #41

“Evolution has not stopped” Hmmmm what about the Panda?

“It is not something observable other than through fossil records.” It’s actually an interpretation from observing something.

Answer #42

why don’t you practise cannibalism, after all we are just higher forms of animals ;)

“This is a fact that science has proven” no source, no Citation? I’ll just take your word for it ;) lol.

Answer #43

Because the person being eaten would have a problem with that…

Answer #44

yes but you would have a higher chance of survival if in need of food.

Answer #45

Yes you would, like the Andes survivors. They had to eat the others who had died in order to stay alive.

Answer #46

What is wrong with the panda?

Answer #47

well there you go lol have a bit at your closet friend. =)

Answer #48

It’s what we call a “evolutionary dead end”

Answer #49

I won’t. Like I said; I am strong in my faith. As you are strong in yours…

Answer #50

ok so we evololved from molucules? where did they come? they just formed? on wat? earth? where did earth come from? God started it and evolution is just taking its toll

Answer #51

I somewhat agree with you. Evolution makes perfect sense, and there are a lot of facts backing it. However, science has not proven it as 100% fact. I’m talking of very early evolution. The simple fact that endosymbiosis theory exists means that science can’t fully prove how we evolved. You have to admit, without mitochondria being a membrane bound organelle we wouldn’t even exist. Science has too many shifting paradigms to put all of your eggs in one basket.

Answer #52

evolution=-science=Gods plan= haveing faith

Answer #53

How is Angel completely off? Why can’t science and religion coexist? I’m sure you don’t know everything there is to know about evolution and how it came to be. I think its wonderful that Angel accepts scientific theories and manages to stay true to her faith. She is thinking for herself. For all we know, thats how it began. The fact that we don’t know at all leaves the door open for people to theorize and come to their own conclusions. We may not agree that any god had a hand in evolution, but saying that a higher power created elements for molecules to form is hardly compromising with evolution.

Answer #54

have there ever been fossils found of apes in the process of forming into humans. Never inbetween. either its an ape or a human. Just bc we resemble them a tiny bit does not mean we r made from them. They have the steps from ape to human in pics but have they ever found one that resembles the in between pics of an ape forming? nope dont think so. Its either ape or human

Answer #55

i just hate when ppl blow off God all together just because of no proof. i think the proof is all around us. its amazing this world nd to think it all evolved from evolution is silly. I believe in evolution too but i cannot imagine it all being evolution. thanks chartreusechick

Answer #56

No problem. I’m not even a believer in God or at all religious, but I try to keep an open mind. I know that nobody is 100% sure of how those first molecules that kickstarted evolution came to be. As far as I’m concerned, it could very well be a higher power. It disappoints me that people believe that they can only be true to either science or religion. Finding the answers to many of life’s questions shouldn’t be seen as taking sides, but as using all you have been exposed to to help explain why things happen. The way I see it, science gives the explanation and religion gives that explanation meaning.

Answer #57

i see and i agree. i do believe in God. I appriciate ur open mindness in every aspect

Answer #58

at the end of the day the other Religions that believe they have a God call him … God and if they believe in more than one they call them Gods with the S at the end ^_^

Answer #59

The Bible reveals how such teachings as evolution become popular. It says: “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3, 4) Although evolution is usually presented in scientific language, it is really a religious doctrine. It teaches a philosophy of life and an attitude toward God. Its beliefs are subtly attractive to mankind’s selfish, independent tendencies. Many who believe in evolution say that they also believe in God. However, they feel free to think of God as one who has not created things, does not intervene in man’s affairs, and will not judge people. It is a creed that tickles people’s ears

The Bible stresses the importance of evidence when it defines faith. It says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) True faith in God should be based on evidence that demonstrates the reality of the Creator. The Bible shows where you can find the evidence.

The inspired Bible writer David wrote: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) Taking time to reflect on the amazing design of our own body and of other living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker. Every part of the thousands of systems that cooperate to keep us alive is ideally designed. Also, the physical universe displays evidence of mathematical precision and order. David wrote: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”—Psalm 19:1.

Answer #60

And I appreciate both of you two’s honesty.

Answer #61

Ruby, respect is in the eye of the beholder. I see nothing disrespectful in what she said. If you are offended, I am sorry, but that is your problem. She is not telling you to not believe what you believe. She was refering to herself. What you are upset about is she didn’t refer to a god with the reverence YOU think she should have. You have no right to ask someone to do that. That would be like me telling you to never mention the word god because it offends me since I don’t believe in one. And not all religions refer to their diety as god. Wiccans don’t for instance.

Answer #62

That sounds sweet, Emily…

Answer #63

The facts are as follows: We know the crust of the earth is layered, and we know when the various layers, or strata, were at the surface. At the lowest strata of the crust there is no evidence of life. This was all prior to 3.8 billion years ago. The strata that is 3.8 billion years old shows fossils of the first life on the planet, single celled organisms. The first signs of photosynthises appeared 3 billion years ago. The first multicelled organisms first showed up 1 billion years ago. 600 million years ago the first simple animals. 500 million years ago the first fish showed up. 400 million years ago the first insects. And as time goes on life gets more and more complex. Since the more complex life forms did not exist at the lower strata, they had to have evolved from earlier forms of life. There is no other explantion, unless you think the devil planted all of that evidence just to fool us. I should not need to cite anything because this information is extremely easy to find. Just google “timeline of life”.

Answer #64

Angel, they do have theories about how the first life came to be. While I don’t believe that a god had anything to do with it, I can accept what you believe much more easily than someone who claims that we all were actually descended from Adama and Eve. Even the catholic church accepts that evolution is real and a valid scientific discovery.

Answer #65

Jimahi, I am not disagreeing with you. I do believe in evolution. I am not a believer in creation or even remotely religious or spiritual. Having said that, science has no fact on how those elements were created in the first place. Thats what I meant, sorry if I didn’t specify enough. I think many people are confusing the big bang theory with evolution. Although, evolution is a large facet of the big bang theory, evolution can also be considered a separate entity in itself. TI don’t think there is anything wrong with believing a higher power created the spark that started evolution if they use science to explain their beliefs.

Answer #66

listen , my problem is not even with her I was asking her to please respect thats all and honestly you think she hasn’t read these comments? No she has …. and shes not commenting because obviously she has better things to do and I respect her for that ,,,, I’m mad that all you people are siting there getting involved with something that she didn’t even reply too ! and if you was to tell me not t mention God ever again because it offends you I wouldn’t talk about him in front of you EVER because of the simple fact that if you don’t want to listen , theres no point in talking to you about it … if it offends you it would be something I would understand s there for if you asked me to NEVER speak of God in front of you … I wont ! and ok but I’m not talking about other peoples religion I’m talking about mines ! AND SERIOUSLY I’M DONE STOP COMMENTING !

Answer #67

Well obviously you don’t know much about the evolution of people then. We did not evolve from apes! We share a common ancestor. We evolved from the same thing, not the one from the other.

Answer #68

have any evidence of God using evolution Angel? ;)

Answer #69

“The facts are as follows: We know the crust of the earth is layered, and we know when the various layers, or strata, were at the surface. At the lowest strata of the crust there is no evidence of life. This was all prior to 3.8 billion years ago. The strata that is 3.8 billion years old shows fossils of the first life on the planet, single celled organisms. The first signs of photosynthises appeared 3 billion years ago. The first multicelled organisms first showed up 1 billion years ago. 600 million years ago the first simple animals. 500 million years ago the first fish showed up. 400 million years ago the first insects. And as time goes on life gets more and more complex. Since the more complex life forms did not exist at the lower strata, they had to have evolved from earlier forms of life. There is no other explantion, unless you think the devil planted all of that evidence just to fool us. I should not need to cite anything because this information is extremely easy to find. Just google “timeline of life”.” That just begs the question did they own a time machine? lol

Answer #70

Who is they? Scientists? Why would they need a time machine? They dig, they find fossils, and they know when the fossils was buried based on carbon dating. It really isn’t all that hard to understand.

Answer #71

Angel, there is a difference between proof and evidence. What you see as proof of god’s existence is only evidence. There is no proof. I look at the same evidence, and I see a natural process, and I think it is silly to believe that some ominpotent supernatural being is responsible. I see absolutely no evidence that a god had anything to do with it.

Answer #72

@ Angel, you are thinking about this as if the evolutionary process takes jumps from one species to another. These changes occur of millions of years. And it isn’t like a species changes, stays that way for while and changes again. It is constantly occurring. And fossils records do document the changes over time.

Answer #73

Why do evolution deniers always say something couldn’t have evolved out of nothing? If that is what you think, I suggest you read up on the subject. Complexity is not evidence of evoution being wrong. And it does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics. To explain that would be far to indepth for this forum, but there is plenty of info out here on it. And please don’t tell me it is just a guess. Scientific theories are not guesses. They must have overwhelming evidence to be considered a theory. They are as close to fact as we can get in some cases. Gravity is just a theory too. Do you ever doubt that something will drop to the ground if you let go of it? And the theory of evolution only refers to HOW it happens, not IF. There is no dout it does happen.

Answer #74

Ruby, I could tell you that talking about ice cream offends me. Is that reasonable? Just because someone takes offense, does not mean it is a valid reason to take offense. You talk about us butting in, but you are the one who claimed she offended you when she wasn’t even speaking to you or about you. She was talking about herself. And this is a public forum. As long as I don’t violate the rules, I can comment on anything I like.

Answer #75

ok but the 1st multicelled organism just showed up outta no where huh? just poof and its there. on wat? was it just floating around? everything has a beginning. it didnt just poof here outta of nothing. its beyond us. no one can figure it out, just believe in something. we will never know. hopefully we will when we die

Answer #76

so everything just poof sjowed up outta nothing. it has to have a beginning. the 1st start of evolution. where did it come from. am i making since? there is a natural process. but where did it originate?

Answer #77

no do u have any evidence that he is not? thats the point, its about faith. if we had evidence then we wouldnt need God. we would all know and there would be no faith.

Answer #78

they really have fossils that have apes froming from ape to human? not just pics? and a theory?

Answer #79

but its not a fact is it? it is not a fact that we evolved from evolution

Answer #80

No angel, nothing just pops out of no where. There are theories as to how it happened, and their is evidence to support it. Some call it the Primordial Soup theory. But the real name of the science is Abiogenesis. It suggests that life began in a pool or pond of rain water that with a combination of chemicals from the atmosphere and energized by lightening, created the first amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins necessary for life. I think you are wrong that no one can figure it out. Humans have been figuring things out since we fist stood up straight. We have never accepted the idea that we will never know, and we never should accept that.

Answer #81

See answer above

Answer #82

Angel, we did not evolve from apes. Humans and apes both evolved from a common ancestor. And there are fossils of early hominids that deomstrate the various stages of human evolution. They even know when the early hominids diverged into multiple branches, gorrillas, chimpanzees and humans. This was about 4 million years ago. Think of evolution as a road. As you travel down the road, you see very specific characteristics of the road. Then you come to a fork in the road where is splits in two. At the bgining of each new road, they might seem pretty similar, but as one travels further the roads will begin to have very different characteristics from one another. The fork in the road is where two different species take on there own set of charactersitcs, like humans and gorillas. And this is not theory, it is fact.

Answer #83

ok so a pool or pond of water. so where did the water come from? and the chemicals? and the lightning? it just appeared? where is the beginning? who put a pool af water there or the clouds that made it rain there or the lightning. was it just always there>?

Answer #84

where did the atmosphere come from?

Answer #85

In a universe so incomparably vast, in a world so marvelously diverse, we can be paralyzed by our presumed insignificance and impotence in the face of such staggering enormity. But in moments of simple faith, we can be calmed by our reverence and dependence upon the Creator and Sustainer of such wonders. We can find great comfort that our lives are in his hands. We can rejoice that he has promised to bless and guide our efforts in him.

Answer #86

Oh boy… Angel, I could go on all day about how everthing came to be here. There is science that exlpains it all. It involves more than just evolution. It would all start with cosmology and astrophyics about how stars and planets are formed after the big bang. And then you would need to get into chemistry and eventually into biological evolution. These are all things science can explain as natural occrence. Some things are hypthetical, and some are actual theories. Look I have no problem with anyone who believes that god started this process going. I personally don’t, but I can’t debunk that idea. What I can debunk is the idea that we were just willed in to existence. The evidence suggests otherwise.

Answer #87

even after the big bang. i just dont see how the space got here for there to have a big bang. the big bang maybe created space. but i still see htat there is still no beginning. i dunno. this is the big wonder of the world. I still have faith. appriciate ur feedback. still a lot unexplained but i could go on and on. they say one thing come from that and i say where did that come from… well it came from that and i say ok where did that come from. its just a never ending cycle

Answer #88

I am happy you find comfort in your belief. My wife feels very much the same as you. I need no such belief, nor am I paralyzed at the enomrity of the universe. I accept it is as part of this reality, and enjoy learning about how things came to be.

Answer #89

Certain things are facts and certain things are theory. But a theory is not a guess. It is based on overwhelming evidence, and is universally accepted as the truth. Have theories every later been proven wrong. Sometimes, but rarely. Most times something new is discovered and a theory is modified. This has happened with evolution from time to time. And many evolution deniers will seize on that as evidence the science is flawed. But that would be like following a recipe that calls for a 3 table spoons of salt, and then realizing is was too salty, so you change it to 2 table spoons. That doesn’t completely make the recipe incorrect or useless. It just means it needed a little tweak.

Answer #90

Certain things are facts and certain things are theory. It is a fact that evolution does and is happening. It is a theory that how it happens is through natural selection and mutation (among other things). But a theory is not a guess. It is based on overwhelming evidence, and is universally accepted as the truth. Have theories every later been proven wrong. Sometimes, but rarely. Most times something new is discovered and a theory is modified. This has happened with evolution from time to time. And many evolution deniers will seize on that as evidence the science is flawed. But that would be like following a recipe that calls for a 3 table spoons of salt, and then realizing is was too salty, so you change it to 2 table spoons. That doesn’t completely make the recipe incorrect or useless. It just means it needed a little tweak to make it better.

Answer #91

thats how my dad is. and im not mad at u. u can beilieve in wat ever u chose. My many u and ur family be blessed.

Answer #92

Yes we could go on and on, and frankly I don’t have the time. I will just give you my quick take on the universe. I think space and time are infinate. And I think it is a continuous cycle of expansion and retraction that has been going on forever. Right now we are in a period of expansion, and science has proved this. All matter in the universe is currently expanding away from each other. Eventually it will reach a point where expansion stops and contraction begins. Then all matter will begin moving back together until all matter in the universe is collected into a tiny single super-hot, super-dense object (called a singularity). Once this object collapses into itself, it will reach a critical mass and will explode (a big bang) and begin the expansion again. I think this cycle has been going on forever.

Now I really have to get back to work. lol

Answer #93

Not mad at you at all. Thanks for the interesting convo.

Answer #94

lol wow. never heard of it like that. appriciate it. but my faith is still strong of corse… :) have a good day. i also have to work lol

Answer #95

I personally believe in evolution and I’m as religious as the next chick (NOT CHRISTIAN) but still think that Evolution is most logical to me.

Answer #96

wow !! I’m mad you actually siting there commenting on something that happened dead long time ago fur real leave me alone just like you could speak your mind I’ll speak mine GOOD BYE !

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