How can I play hard to get?

This may sound like a really weird question, and might just me being a bit blonde but how am I meant to play hard to get with a lad?? because I dont want to come across like im wayy to interested x

Answer #1

I believe that you have probably think that by playing hard to get will spice up your whole dating experience, and will make you seem more attractive. Some of the playing hard to get tactics are: act like you’re not as excited, wait as long as you can before you call after a first date, or pretend to be busy.

If you are truly in love with the other person, why do you need to come up with all these schemes and tactics, while holding back your true feelings?

Playing hard to get can sometimes get you what you want, but it is not that you play hard to get that is important it is how you play it. If the person that you are playing against has no particular attraction or feeling towards you, by playing hard to get with him or her will not make any difference.

But the main reason of why people play hard to get is to measure the interest level of the other party, how far they will go and how much effort are they going to put in the “chasing” game.

While playing hard to get, one important thing to note is to make sure that you do not play it too much. Sometimes it may just piss off the other person that you want to attract, and the other person will just think that you are not interested at all. Also, while playing hard to get, do not end up missing opportunities to date good women or men.

Playing hard to get needs a lot of effort and guessing. Again, is it worth it to play all these games if you are really interested in the other person? Why not just make everything clear and get together so that both of you will not miss out the precious time that both of you could enjoy if you are together earlier? Think about it…

Answer #2

I get what you mean, im kinda in the samr situation. the thing you gotta remember about guys is that they dont always feel like thy need to show youhow theu feel. so to a guy it may not come off as “im not interested”. for all you know he could be playing hard to get.

Answer #3

Just be yourself - playing hard to get is a turn off for most men. It’s nothing more than playing games with their head and it’s rather annoying.

If you like him - just show him you like him.

Answer #4

Yes as mandyloo says, that is quite a turn off in the majority of cases. In this day and age (especially for young people) relationships (and relationship opportunities) come and go quite fast. If you want to play hard to get, the chances are the guy you like will look for someone else. Playing hard to get has few benefits that do not involve egotism. If you like someone, step up and show him how you feel. If you want to play hard to get then the chances are he will look the other way. Be genuine and I’m sure the result will be a lot better.

Answer #5

A girl played hard-to-get with me and it has created one of the most screwed up relationships ever. I couldn’t tell if she liked me, ended up going out with a another girl for 2 days before she sat me down started crying.. ANYWAY

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont play hard to get, it can REALLY hurt.

Best of luck.

Answer #6

Okayyy then lol its just on the other question I asked I was told to play hard to get and now im being told not to, I dunno what to do lol

Answer #7

Yeah I get you to be fair, I mean I really like the lad, and he says he likes me too its just some days he doesnt seem interested at all so it starts to put me off him kinda thing :S if you get me

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