hows this for a song title

Lone Plains Drifter if you saw this title on a cd from a rock band would you be interested in listening to it to see what its about just trying to get the pulse of america on this one

Answer #1

a7x is right… a song title has nothing to do with if the song is rock, country or whatever… that’s all in the SOUND of the song.

Answer #2

You know, the title of a song doesn’t change what genere it is. It’s just a title. Name your song something that truly fits it and the meaning that’s behind it. If someone was a true fan of your band, they wouldn’t judge by a song title - they’d listen to it first THEN decide whether or not it was awesome or not. Hopefully my advice helped you, need anything else let me know and I’ll do my best to help you further :)

Answer #3

Black and white covers are what normally attracts my eye to a cd. Hope that helps.

Answer #4


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