How would you describe urself?

So how would you describe urself?and don’t be shy! I would say that im very hyper, laugh a lot, more of a t-shirt and jeans girl, short, need to always do something etc.

Answer #1

I’d mostly say I’m very introverted and quiet but I still know how to have fun. I see myself as very independant. I get angry easily and I’m very serious minded but cheerful at the same time. I get bored easily and I enjoy hanging out with friends than my family. That’s me for the most part.

Answer #2

Well lets see…I like to travel so I’m adventures, fun to hang out with…sometimes I’m in the mood to talk a lot then other times I like to be left alone. I enjoy the outdoors which includes snowboarding, riding dirt bikes/quads, river rafting and motorcycles. I love the beach and hanging with friends. I like to have a good time either out at a local bar or at a friend’s house watching TV or playing video games. A lot of people consider me a big kid and maybe I am but I work, pay my bills and keep myself in good shape so they can say what they want. That’s me I guess in a nut shell.

Answer #3

I’m pretty outgoing, fun-loving, loud to the extreme (lol). I can be shy though, especially when around certain people. I’m rather tomboyish, but I do have my girly moments. I love my jeans and converse. Skirts and dresses arent my thing unless I have to, or am feeling particularly girly at that moment. I’m kinda tall, 5ft 6in to be exact. I can and will belch like a man if I need to burp. I will also laugh afterwards. I love to laugh, it’s what keeps me young. lol I’m a great listener and love giving advice. Umm… I can be pretty blunt sometimes. I tell it how it is. That’s all for now!

Answer #4

im kinda random, I love my friends, im super short (one of my friends made up a disease that makes people short), I laught to much, I always take things to seiresly, im a jeans and t-shirt person, im not smart @ all & most of my friends call me weird (I take it as a conploment though so who cares).

Answer #5

I’m shy, a complete bookworm, I would never wear a skirt except for school, I’m a pessimistic, I’m obsessed with music and I’m sort of ocd but not really:(

Answer #6

well, im very shy yet outgoing if that makes any sense, im really easy to get along with, my friends and boyfriend say im like marmite you either love me or hate me =D I dont know anyone that hates me =) im very short lol 5”2 to be exact =) I always put an effort in making my self look presentable and not a mess =) but in my house im in my PJ’s with my hair thrown up in a ponytail =) I am very much like you in the jeans and t-shirt thing dont like skirts really prefer a pair of shorts if it were a hot day =)

Answer #7

well I am the outgoing, but shy around guy I like type of girl (:. the one that is so nice, never is rude, but if someone pisses me off I will smash them with words, never pysical. <3. :)

Answer #8

Welll, I consider myself shy, kinda the preppy quiet girl that always gets good grades. My friends say im sweet, nice and friendly but I am also pushy and demanding(= I love life and I am very optimistic… I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time and I trust people to easily… (That is how I describe me(=…)

Answer #9

Hm.. I’m super duper short, funny, outgoing (usually), loyal, impatient, I care wayy too much about people and their well being, generous, distrustful, independent, aand not sure what else. lol

Answer #10

Lol, well I am a little shy although not as much as I used to be. I’m pretty creative, always have a book with me. Have a lot of love to give and like to be with friends. I’m like you as in that I’m more jeans and a t-shirt, never really been one for skirts.

Answer #11

I’m kinda shy (the name kinda gives it away ;) ) It can take me awhile to be myself with some people, but others im hyper with :D I love music, I’m a pessimist =/, ermm im short (thanks dad..), and I care too much what people are thinking - I’m working on it though! When I’m with people I love, I’m the happiest person in the worldd x oh, and I’m also a jeans and t-shirt person :)

Answer #12

stupid anoying short retarded none likes me unfriendly

Answer #13

I am quiet at first until I really get to know someone. I have been told that I am psycho…lol

Answer #14

haha xD

Answer #15

so cool that you made a video! it was awesome, and you seem really cool ^^

Answer #16

Heaven Answers “How would you describe urself?”

Answer #17

aaw :D you seem sweet!

Answer #18

all of u :D

Answer #19

aaw, you seem awesome both of u :-) yea, me neither. skirts are not my thing ;p

Answer #20

I would describe myself as a very friendly person but can also be serious when it’s most necessary.

Answer #21

im a shirt and jeans kind of girl and my friends think im one of the boys. I love music, mostly rock. I love singing and love having fun with friends but is ok with being alone too. Im also short haha. Have black hair and eyes. Im way too honest which is not a good thing sometimes. I look stronger than I really am. My friends say im fun to be with, I’d like to think they’re right. on different occasions, some people have described me as someone unusual and not forgettable. I hope that’s a good thing. Im also the type of person whom you can talk to about anything, be it shallow or philosophical :-) im kind of a perfectionist. so yeah.

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