How would I know if my boyfriend is a pothead?

Well like recently some of my friend have been saying a lot of crap of my boyfriend…and one thing that bothered me the most was that they said he is a straight up pothead…and that they have seen him be smoking and crap…so I want to know if its true or not…but if I ask him he might get mad at me…so how can I tell if he is or not?…help me please

Answer #1

you pretty much love him… right? drugs can reck any relationship.. ask him. have it out, if he does try and make him stop. if you can’t do that… then maybe you’re better off. just promice me, a stranger, that you won’t smoke. emotions are hard to control. I really really hope I helped in some way.

Answer #2

if he forgets almost everthing and lounges around all the time and eats a lot

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