how willl sex feel?

im 13 and my boyfriend and I are in love. he wants to have sex! im a lil scared on how it will feel and if I will like it…I know im young but its here are the questions—>what will it feel like? will it hurt? what is sex really? and last where can you get condoms without your mom or dad finding out? thanks for your help=)

Answer #1

I’m sorry, but when your 13, you might like the idea of being ‘in love’, but it’s a very complicated feeling. I’m turning 19 and I’m still trying to figure it out 100%. Trust me when I wAs your age, I had the exact same feelings girl, but now that I’m older and have had a few flings with guys, I know how they are and how they think.

To be honest darl, girls are WAY more mature than guys at 13- guys at this age are like 8 year olds, very immature and all they think about is sex and mostly what they want. I understand that he may be a great guy to you, but honestly, both of you are WAY too young to have sex.

I’m 18 and my boyfriend’s turning 21 and we’re still virgins. This is to tell you that a lot of guys as they get older mature and want to lose their virginity to the ‘right’ girl; a girl who doesn’t put out and has respect herself.

When you’re this age, guys are most likely to dump you after you’ve done it, because they’ve done wha they wanted to do to you and most likely lost respect for you. I truly get that you’re growing up and getting weird urges to do it and are curious about it, but honey, please take my advice and don’t! You will most likely be in for a rude surprise if you do and you will regret it so so much if he dumps you not too long after.

If you wanna know what it means look it up in the dictionary. I have no idea what it feels like because I’m still a virgin but apparently it hurts heaps and think about it, you don’t wanna get caught by your family or his family, because I doubt it can happen anywhere else because you’re so young. You don’t wanna do it in public because that’s no respect for yourself and there’s a good chance people will find out.

I won’t rell you where to get condoms because I truly care and I don’t want you to make a mistake a lot of other girls I know have made and everyone looks down on them.

I hope you do what’s best for you darling and make the right decision by telling him that if he loves you, he will be with you for things other than sex and if he doesn’t like it dump him, because girl you would deserve HEAPS better! ;)

Answer #2

your tooo young but if you want pleasure go ahead. to answer your question it feels heaps good. but bear the pain since itll be your 1st time. ^_^ condoms are available at chemists

Answer #3

I no how you feel! I’m 13 to! I like this guy and I really wanna have sex with him! But I’m scareeed of the cherry popping or what ever it is! Get the guy 2 get condoms and find out a nice warm place 2 do it! I don’t reckon your to young at all! (: Perfectly normal! Becareful! Any age is cool! As long as you no what your doing is right! You make your own decisions and it’s your body! And sex will hurt pretty bad! After a few times it will start 2 feel good! (: Good Luck!

Answer #4

your 13 dude. I know if he pressures you that’s what he wants and doesn’t want the real you. trust me please do you really think u’ll be with him till your 20 or even 15? you’ll think back and think how stupid you were. plus when you get in your 20s guys really really like virgins for some reason just be careful and if your stupid enough to give him what lots of guys want, use a condom! only one because using two there’s more of a chance of it breaking. listen to the advice here please (:

Answer #5

thats dum your hella young and your gona throw your virginity away because some horndog wants to get in your pants because your in “love” . ha once he gets what he wants youll be should wait til your older kuz why mess your life up now? what if he tells his friends and everyone noes? what if its not real? what you gona do when everyone kalls you a slut? seriuzly dont do it. it kood hurt hella and your my advice is dont do it.btw I have to admit your smart for trying to use condoms. but think twice before you make your desicion.

Answer #6

Honey, you’re 13! to tell you the truth I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend of a year when I was 13. However we soon broke up so I’m happy that we didn’t. Right now I’m in a serious relationship at 14 but I still know it’s too young. You can get condoms at 7-11 if you are really serious. The first time is different for everyone, sex is showing your passion and love for one another, but chances are you aren’t really in love…

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