How will I make $250?

Im trying to get gifts for famliy and I have 12 aunts and uncles!!!:-(

Answer #1

girl you could sell stuff on ebay or if you got some furniture you could sell it on craiglist hope this helps

Answer #2

get a job.

Answer #3

You can sell things you don’t use anymore. Ebay is ok, not craigslist. Also, it helps to have a garage sale, thats what I do when I need money. :]

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #4

What I would like to know is why are you worrying about spending money you havent got on all your aunts and uncles… its not christmas and I doubt its all there birthdays together … lol … but if you really need money … get a job, babysit, cut grass or walk dogs. just think about what you could do .. your imagination can be the best money making tool… Xo:)

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