How will I attract my boyfriend?

I’ve been going out with my boy friend for the past 5 years with time we’ve started to rake each other for granted he is not at all romantic so sometimes I feel neglected and I want to be pampered but he doesnt seem to realise that

Answer #1

ok, um I would try and talk to him I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years and he’s not that romantic or at least he wasn’t in the begining but little by little I drop hints. or I’ll tell him straight out some guys just don’t get it. I tell him I want flowers, I want him to do things for no reason just be unexpected. me and my boyfriend have this thing that when we go to the movies he gets to pick one and then the next times it’s mine no matter how dumb or girly it is. believe after the chick flic is over and your like “omg I can’t believe he…” or “wow can you believe that they…” just give it a shot it’s all about communication. believe you don’t want to attract him just by sex :(

Answer #2

Make the first move. He will be much more open to do what you want after a really good blowjob. :)

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